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Is the Legal Landscape Looking Better?

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Sometimes, justice is a joke. Just this week, Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys was sentenced to 22 years in prison because of what happened at the Capitol on January 6th.

Credit Image: © Robin Rayne/ZUMA Wire

Did he break in? Did he attack the police? Did he set fires? No.

Credit Image: © Michael Nigro/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire

He wasn’t even there.

As a contrast, let’s consider the attacks on the White House in 2020, at the height of the racial mayhem.

Rioters attacked the Secret Service with “bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks, and urine.” They Injured 60 officers and 11 went to the hospital.

BLM thugs burned the historic St. John’s Church across from the White House.

There was so much violence and arson that President Donald Trump and Melania spent nearly an hour in the White House anti-terrorism bunker.

I have never heard of even one prosecution. Instead, rioters got money. “U.S. settles with Black Lives Matter protesters violently cleared from White House park.”

Things look different these days for civil suits. You remember when two blacks went to a Starbucks in Philadelphia and asked to use the restroom. The white manager, Holly Hylton, told them restrooms were only for paying customers, but they refused to pay.

They wouldn’t leave, either, so she followed company policy, called the police, and had the men arrested for trespassing.

This led to an orgy of corporate humiliation. Holly was fired, the blacks hit paydirt, and every corporate Starbucks in America shut down for “anti-racist” training.

Poor Holly has never sued, but someone else did: Shannon Phillips, a manager above her who wasn’t even at the store that day.

She proved to a jury that she was turned into a “white scapegoat” and was fired.

Just this month, she won $25.6 million in damages. Holly Hylton, are you paying attention?

One-hundred-thirty-eight-year-old Gibson’s Bakery keeps racking up victories over Oberlin College in Ohio.

In 2016, the bakery caught three black students shoplifting.

All pleaded guilty, but Oberlin nearly put the bakery out of business with a malicious boycott campaign, accusing it of “racism.” In 2019, a jury found the college guilty of defamation, and an appeals court ordered $36 million in damages.

After exhausting every possible appeal, Oberlin finally paid up.

As it happens, Oberlin’s president since 2017 is a black woman named Carmen Ambar who stupidly fought the bakery suit to the bitter, expensive end.

Oberlin was so obviously in the wrong that it’s just been reported that insurers have refused to reimburse for the award.

Black privilege ain’t what it used to be.

Another lady president who might get a jolt is Lauri Patton of Middlebury.

Ever since 1916, Mead Memorial Chapel has been Middlebury’s most famous landmark, but in 2021 the college ripped the Mead name off because John Mead, the alumnus who paid for the chapel, promoted eugenics.

Credit: Scott Elliott Smithson via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

His gift in 1914 required that the chapel be named for his Mead ancestors. Just this spring, the Mead estate sued, saying it wants the name put back or the replacement value of the chapel plus punitive damages.

The University of Minnesota is suddenly “reexamining” a paid internship program to prepare students for graduate school.

It was open only to non-Asian non-whites until Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson filed a complaint with the US Department of Education.

Also last month, Professor Jacobson called the feds on the University of Nebraska’s cushy filmmaking residency only for blacks.

Blacks are not even 5 percent of the state population, but they needed a program that kept out the other 95 percent.

Last month, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression sued the entire California community college system – all 54,000 professors and 1.8 million students.

In 2022, California started requiring all teachers to stuff their courses full of “diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism.” Bill Blanken, a chemistry professor and one of the plaintiffs, asks: “What’s the ‘anti-racist’ perspective on the atomic mass of boron?”

Credit: Limelight Photography

High schools are getting the treatment. This summer, the Department of Education – even under Joe Biden – started an investigation of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics because its “Step Up to STEM” summer program was open only to blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians.

In 2020 – the year of the Floyd martyrdom – the Francis Howell School District in Missouri voted to plaster the usual rubbish on school walls, such as, “We will promote racial healing, especially for our Black and brown students and families.” Eighty-seven percent of its 17,000 students are white, but idiot whites love this kind of thing.

Angry parents voted in a new school board, and this summer the rubbish came down. Blacks howled.

For years, Thomas Jefferson High School in Virginia was voted the best in the country.

It admitted students strictly on merit. Naturally, it was heavily Asian and white, so the usual goofs used the usual jiggery pokery to admit the usual pets. This summer, the Pacific Legal Foundation represented a coalition of parents in an appeal to the US Supreme Court to bring back merit.

This summer, this lady, Courtney Rogers, sued Compass Group USA, a food company with 280,000 employees.

She says she was fired when she refused to attend a promotion-linked program only for “women and people of color.” She said higher-ups told her, “This is the direction the world is going, jump on the train or get run over,” and “We are not here to appease the old white man.”

In 2021, Trump advisor Stephen Miller founded America First Legal Foundation, and by year’s end it had revenue of $6.4 million and assets of $4.2 million.

It says, “We will oppose the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade,” and it has.

It sued Anheuser-Busch for discriminating against white people.

It sued Progressive Insurance for making grants only to blacks.

It sued six Texas medical schools for admitting students on race rather than ability.

“America First Legal is holding corporate America accountable for illegally engaging in discriminatory employment practices . . . .”

Targets include Lyft, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell. Its website says “If you or someone you know is the victim of woke ideology . . . reach out to the AFL Center for Legal Equality TODAY.”

This summer, Edward Blum’s American Alliance for Equal Rights sued major law firms for offering fat fellowships only to BIPOCs.

Last month, white employees of Gannett, America’s biggest newspaper chain, sued because of blatant, anti-white discrimination.

There are plenty more cases like these, but this is getting tedious. My point is that in 30 years of keeping an eye on things, I have never seen so much anti-anti-racist activism and litigation. I’ve never seen colleges and companies squirming like this. The Supreme Court decision on college race preferences sure helped, but this has been building for years. Of course, this is all rear-guard action: whites fighting outrageous abuses. And these cases show how serenely American institutions trample on the rights of whites and sometimes Asians.

I don’t think Carmen Ambar and Lauri Patton will change their minds even if they are forced to pay millions.

They’ll just trample more discreetly. But every single one of these actions means white people waking up – at least opening one eye. These are first steps towards a genuine understanding of race and the clean break that will be the only solution.

And looky here, just out this week: “60+ people indicted on RICO over ties to protesting of Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.”

The Georgia attorney general rounded up antifa, which it called an “enterprise of militant anarchists” which has tried to stop the city from building a police training center.

Maybe there’s a little hope even for criminal justice – at least at the state level. Sometimes, things get so bad even white people notice. I’d say things are looking up.