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Anti-White Bias in the Classroom Is Real, and It’s Toxic

The Pennsylvania State Education Association, the state’s largest teaching union, is providing its members with a seminar focused on the New York TimespodcastNice White Parents, Todd Shepherd of Broad and Libertyreported. This podcast describes itself as a series dedicated to “building a better school system, and what gets in the way.” And, as this advertisement shows, “what gets in the way” is merely a trope for “blame white people.”

The seminar will happen through Zoom over three weekends between Oct. 4 and November. It is union-funded indoctrination at its worst. It is propaganda seeking to indoctrinate teachers across the state that, essentially, white parents are the root of all evil when it comes to education problems in our country. Teachers will then pass on this indoctrination to students.

Nice White Parents is a halfway interesting, largely self-absorbed podcast that seeks to blame rich, white New York City liberals for lagging achievement in an urban school,” Max Eden, a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, told Broad and Liberty.


There are plenty of other examples of this, too. No other race or ethnic group is subjected to such a curriculum and government-endorsed demonization. If we are allegedly striving for racial equality in this country, why is this type of prejudice permitted in schools? Further, what are Republicans doing to resist such indoctrination? It’s a lot more toxic than the mask mandates that have the Right up in arms.