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“Cracker B*tch”

This story is one of hundreds Colin Flaherty planned to publish in a book before his death. American Renaissance will post one every week.

I grew up in the South Bronx, and — at least way back when — all the working-class families of all races lived side-by-side and got along. In 2004, I started teaching at a black school and was treated to a rude awakening in race relations. My students called me “cracker b*tch” and other unmentionable names every day. They refused to let me teach them anything, and constantly howled and whined. They would rap all day long and actively resisted learning of any kind. I was “The Enemy,” no matter how hard I tried. Once, I managed to book time for them in the computer lab to take state test tutorials. They spent the whole period trying to get through the firewall to look up pictures of “Lil Kim” and the like. On top of that, a scuffle broke out that destroyed some of the precious equipment.

Worst of all was the time a sixth grader threatened to kill me and explained how he was going to do it. A meeting was called and the black Vice Principal told me that I “didn’t understand as I wasn’t part of the community.” I replied that I thought we all lived in the same county and had the same goals for the kids to succeed. I was laughed out of the meeting. Before the year was over, one kid jumped on my back and threw out my spine. The white principal, who was a hardcore liberal, decided to put the kid in a black teacher’s class and later remarked that the student went on to do well, and that he loved his “pretty teacher.” That really hurt, yet she would talk about this at faculty meetings and elsewhere in order to prove that the child was a saint and it was my fault he assaulted me. It was insult to injury all day every day. If I asked a kid to open his books, I was being “racial,” as they called it. Bleeding hearts say that we white teachers bring our “racism” into the classroom, so the kids can’t succeed. Well, when I transferred to a white school, the kids I taught did great. Why? Because they actually let me teach them. Later on, I looked up what happened to my black students from 2004, and just about all of them were in jail.