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Boycott Starbucks — Drink Red Bull

Of the hundreds of large companies that truckle to racial orthodoxy, Starbucks might be the worst one. Some highlights of its Leftist corporate activism:

“Happy Holidays” (Credit Image: BrillLyle via Wikimedia)

There is probably more.

Don’t drink Starbucks coffee.

A better source of caffeine is Red Bull, the Austrian energy drink.

The man behind Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz, is a nationalist who admires Donald Trump. He supports the Austrian Peoples Party. In an interview last year, Mr. Mateschitz criticized the decision to let in “migrants” and deplored the European Union’s grip on the continent. Mr. Mateschitz is putting together a German news outlet that many say will be akin to America’s Breitbart.

Dietrich Mateschitz (Credit Image: © Imago via ZUMA Press)

This year, the company fired three employees who pushed for the company to be more “vocal” about Black Lives Matter — making it perhaps the only major company to not fall over itself to bend the knee to BLM.

Some dissidents have already made the switch to Red Bull: the late Andrew Breitbart, Steve Bannon, and Identity Evropa founder Nathan Damigo . Leftists, meanwhile, take a dim view of energy drinks, and sometimes condemn them: “Science Confirms That Guys Who Like Energy Drinks Are Terrible,” by Erin Schumaker, Huffington Post, November 12, 2015.

The claim that energy drinks are pricey is overstated. Red Bull is normally between $2-$2.50 a can, which is more expensive than soda, but less expensive than most of what Starbucks sells. If you a worried about sugar, buy the sugar-free kind.

Some of the many different flavors Red Bull comes in. (Credit Image: eBay)

Switching drinks for political reasons is an American tradition. Americans started drinking coffee instead of tea to avoid paying the tea tax. Today, some of  America’s worst enemies are domestic corporations.

This is a revised and updated version of an essay that first appeared on VDARE on September 18, 2018.