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Meet the Not Fu**ing Around Coalition

Thumbnail credit: © Leslie Spurlock/ZUMA Wire

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On January 20th this year, more than 20,000 people rallied in Richmond, Virginia for gun rights.A few dozen white people, showed up with rifles and the Virginia government was terrified. As CNN noted: “The commonwealth braced for the potential of extremist and white nationalist groups to disrupt the peaceful demonstrations.” The governor declared a state of emergency. Of course, nothing happened, but Lefties still got very excited: “Can You Imagine a Group of Black Men Walking Around with Masks and Guns? Gun Rally Sparks Questions of Racism and Privilege.”

In May, several hundred people protested the lockdown in Michigan. Some walked into the statehouse armed, as was their right, and there was yelping about terrorism and white supremacy and double standards: “Aggressive, Armed Protesters Stormed a State Building Last Night and the Police Did Nothing – Imagine if Black People Had Done the Same. No one stormed anything, and the police did nothing because no one broke the law.

But, yes, we can imagine black people marching with rifles. [[0:29 – 0:39 NFAC marching.]] There’s a blacks-only group called the Not Fucking Around Coalition that marches by the hundred. NFAC, as I will call it, is led by a man named John Johnson, who was in the Army and national guard for 17 years and achieved a final rank of private. Not a distinguished career. He is an open separatist: [[0:08 – 0:37 “what is the solution . . . build our own nation.”]]

On Independence Day this year, NFAC was at Stone Mountain, Georgia, demanding that the sculpture be destroyed. According to CNN, there were 1,000 marchers, and Mr. Johnson issued a challenge to all white militias: [[0:49 – 1:02 “I don’t see . . . NFAC motherfucker.”]] Mr. Johnson also explained some of his theories: [[ 1:03 – 1:36 – “It is only appropriate . . . right in the crack.”]]

Mr. Johnson likes to be called Grand Master Jay, and says he speaks for all black people. [[33:12 – 33:46 “Y’all ain’t had nobody . . . walking black consciousness.”]]

That was from a speech he gave on July 25, in Louisville, Kentucky which had seen near constant unrest and rioting ever since a black woman, Breonna Taylor, was killed in police gunfire. Here is how Louisville’s local TV station introduced NFAC: [0:00 – 0:13] . . . “for Breonna Taylor”Yes, they came and they marched, alright, about 350 of them. There is a Kentucky state law that says no private militia “shall associate together as an armed company or drill or parade with arms without permission from the governor.” In his speech from the steps of Louisville city hall, Grand Master Jay explained that he got around that little problem by having a chat with the Kentucky authorities, who listened to him because he threatened violence. This is about a minute long: [[ 6:40 – 8:01 “I talked to our attorney general . . . willing to use ’em”]] A spokesman for the Kentucky Attorney General agreed that the talks had been “productive.”

The local paper, the Louisville Courier Journal called the Grand Master’s talk: “a fiery speech calling for local and state officials to speed up and be more transparent about the investigation into Taylor’s shooting.” That’s one way to put it. This is what Grand Master Jay actually said would happen if he isn’t happy with the investigation. [[ 34:14 – 34:32 “If we . . . burn this motherfucker down.”]] I suppose you could call that a demand for transparency. Commander Jay finished the day, by having the lads put their fists in the air and take an oath of lifetime membership: [[48:53 – 49:01 “I am . . . motherfucker”]]

I don’t think city wants them back, not least because in Louisville, one of the NFAC brothers accidently fired his weapon and hit three comrades. Off they went in ambulances. But NFAC put on quite a show in Louisville, and is winning hearts and minds.Prof. Thomas Mockaitis is an expert on violent extremism at DePaul University. As he explained, “There’s no moral equivalency when comparing NFAC to White armed groups. That’s because whites are racist and violent. He thinks NFAC does not have an “overtly racist ideology.”

Judson Jeffries who teaches black studies at Ohio State University says, NFAC might go the way of Malcolm X, or be like Martin Luther King and showa great deal of patience and love for those who were oppressing him.” I guess we’ll see, won’t we?

Either way, as Professor Carolyn Gallaher at American University notes, the authorities have taken “a very cautious, almost kid glove approach” to NFAC.

On October 3, it was on the March in Lafayette, Louisiana, with a troop of 400. Devon Norman, who is a committee chair for the local NAACP, saidIt’s an opportunity to show people what Black unity is and what Black power is.” CNN reports that hairdresser K.C. Coleman took her 9-year-old daughter to watch. Miss Coleman explained that “it was beautiful to have a group showing America and White groups that we are not backing down.” She explained that her daughter “knew those guns were there to protect her not to hurt her,” and that they went home feeling even more proud to be black.

Heartwarming, isn’t it.

I’ll leave it to you to imagine how the media and the police would treat a whites-only group that talked and behaved the way NFAC does. Or what CNN would say about a nine-year-old white girl who went home feeling prouder than ever to be white. Or what our friend Prof. Mockaitis at DePaul would say about moral equivalency or “overt racism.”

But these are interesting times – not fair, moral, or sensible times.