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‘White Fragility’ Author Calling Michaelangelo Painting of God ‘White Supremacist’ Is a New Low

In 2020, Robin DiAngelo was the queen of DEI, raking in a healthy six-figure salary to scold other white people about their privilege. But now her diversity empire has withered — leaving her spewing nonsense in obscure crevices of the internet.

On a recent episode of the “Not Your Ordinary Parts” podcast, the “White Fragility” author slammed Michelangelo’s depiction of God creating man as “white supremacist” — and repeatedly misidentified theOld Testament’s Adam as David in the process.

DiAngelo told host Jalon Johnson that the iconic painting “The Creation of Adam” is “the single image I use to capture the concept of white supremacy.”

As she described the masterpiece to the podcast’s whopping 188 YouTube subscribers, DiAngelo made a major gaffe: “God is in a cloud and there’s all these angels, and he’s reaching out and he’s touching — I don’t know who that is, David or something?”

Johnson smirked as she continued, “And God is white and David is white and the angels are white — that, that is the perfect convergence of white supremacy, of patriarchy.”

She then goes on to mention she was raised Catholic (did Adam and Eve not get a mention in Sunday school?), and recollects looking up at art in church.

“I didn’t think to myself that God is white, but that, in a lot of ways, is power,” she explained. “I don’t need to. God just reflects me … I always belong racially to what is depicted as the human ideal.”

It’s a bizarre word salad, punctuated with academic jargon like “patriarchy” and “white supremacy” — and a strangely self-indulgent descriptor of herself as the “human ideal.”

Even a 500-year-old masterpiece is an expression of modern white supremacy when viewed through DiAngelo’s tortoiseshell spectacles.


DiAngelo was an obscure whiteness studies professor at the University of Washington in 2020, when her 2018 book “White Fragility” soared to the number one slot of the New York Times bestseller list following George Floyd’s murder.

Her message — that all white people are inherently racist — ignited a scourge of white liberal self-flagellation that enriched her greatly.

“The question that white people need to ask ourselves is not if we were shaped by the forces of racism, but how,” DiAngelo wrote in her book. “The antidote to white fragility is ongoing and lifelong and includes sustained engagement, humility, and education.”