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Member of Reparations Committee Served Restraining Order After Threatening Coworkers

Nikcole Cunningham, who serves on the California city’s 15-person African American Reparations Advisory Committee, was served with a restraining order from the City and County of San Francisco on Dec. 28, 2023, after threatening her coworkers. Cunningham, who has been employed by the San Francisco Human Services Agency (HSA) as a social worker since 2007, stated that she has been “homicidal many, many times.”

In the restraining order (which you can read in its entiretyhere), HSA Executive Director Trent Rhorer says on or about December 7, 2023, an employee at the City’s Health Service System (HSS), which coordinates health plans for San Francisco and other employers, notified him that long-term disability insurance provider Hartford had informed the City that Cunningham made a credible threat of workplace violence against HSA employees via a letter from Cunningham to Hartford.


Cunningham also talks about buying assault weapons and how the cost would be a small price to pay to “end many lives in a few seconds.” She further explains that she ‘“can relate so well to the employee who shoots up the workplace bullying tactics and harassment.” {snip}


If Cunningham’s name sounds familiar it may be because this past July she said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph that “Straight white men are abusive. Straight white men are serial killers. They have the most — I watch these shows — the most serial killers. Straight white men are the ones who are shooting up schools, right? So they are a danger to society.”
