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Netflix to Release Cleopatra Docuseries Depicting the Queen as Black

Netflix announced on Wednesday that it would be releasing a documentary on the life of Cleopatra with one significant change, her ethnicity.

“Queen Cleopatra,” produced by Jada Pinkett Smith, details the life of the monarch who served as the last pharaoh of Egypt. {snip}

{snip} Several of the commentators featured in the film argue that Cleopatra could potentially be of African descent instead of Greek.


“I remember my grandmother saying to me, ‘I don’t care what they tell you in school, Cleopatra was black,’” another commentator added.

{snip} However, most historiansagree that there is virtually no evidence that Cleopatra was of black African descent.

“Cleopatra VII was white—of Macedonian descent, as were all of the Ptolemy rulers, who lived in Egypt,” Kathryn Bard, professor of archaeology and classical studies at Boston University, said, Newsweek reported.
