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Mother in Miami Airport Hurls Computer at American Airlines Worker After Losing Kids

An Alabama mother has been arrested at Miami International Airport after being caught on video throwing a computer monitor at an American Airlines gate attendant during an altercation police said left the employee “battered.”

Camilia McMillie, 25, is now facing charges of aggravated battery, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct following the incident that unfolded Tuesday after she lost track of her children {snip}


The Miami-Dade Police Department said McMillie, of Birmingham, was traveling to New York City and checked into her flight at gate D-39 after being rebooked for missing her previous flight.

“While the subject was with the gate agent, her two minor children walked away without notice to use nearby restrooms,” police said in a statement. “Once the subject noticed the children were not with her, she became irate and began to scream, demanding the gate agent to find her children.”
