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Italy to Grant Baby Bonus Cash to Migrants with Short-Term Work Permits

The Italian constitutional court has ruled that migrants with work permits of just six months or more are eligible to receive a baby bonus as well as a maternity allowance.

Italian constitutional court judges determined that the previous rules, which only allowed migrants with long-term residency to qualify for the baby bonus and maternity allowance, were unconstitutional {snip}


In 2020, the Italian government proposed to grant amnesty to an estimated 700,000 illegal immigrants, granting them the ability to gain residency through a work permit {snip}

By November of that year, at least 230,000 illegals had applied for regularization under the scheme. The new ruling could see many of those granted work permits and amnesty under the scheme the ability to qualify for the new baby bonus benefit.

The ruling comes just weeks after it was revealed that Italy’s birthrate among Italian citizens reached record lows in 2020, dropping to just 1.17 births per woman on average. The number of births in which one parent is born overseas, meanwhile, accounted for 21.8 per cent of all births.