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Border News Roundup — Three Anchor Babies Born in Four Hours at Columbus Port of Entry

Aug. 20, 2013 – Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico – Maria del Carmen Flores (R), her husband Cesar Hernandez (C) and her older son Cesar Hernandez (L) hold her baby son Dilan Aram Hernandez Flores at their home. Dilam Aram Hernandez is the biggest Mexican baby ever born with 6.6 kilograms of weight and 62 centimeters of height. His weight corresponds to a six month-old baby. (Credit Image: © Alejandro Bringas / EFE /

If this news item had been in a racialist novel, I’d have called it a caricature. Yet it came from a US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) press release: “Baby Bonanza at Columbus Port of Entry.”

“It is unusual but not unheard of to have a mother deliver a baby at a border port of entry,” it began. “However rarely does that happen twice and almost three times in a matter of hours but that’s exactly what happened at the Columbus port early Thursday morning.”

At 1:25 AM a Mexican ambulance arrived at the border with a woman in labor. Then at 1:57 AM, “[a] pregnant female arrived and requested help because she [sic] 41 weeks pregnant and in labor.” Her baby was born in an American hospital in Deming, New Mexico. Finally, at 4:39 AM, a third woman arrived. “As a CBP officer was requesting assistance,” the release stated, “the woman dropped to the sidewalk and went into delivery.”

The press release does not mention this, but ports of entry are on American soil. Thus, all three  newborns are “Americans.” No self-respecting nation would create a law allowing pregnant women to show up to the border at night so their babies could get citizenship. What is the argument in favor of this!? Birthright citizenship must be abolished.

Meanwhile, further east, the Del Rio Sector (in Texas) Border Patrol agents announced that they “have arrested more Haitian nationals than people from Guatemala or El Salvador, since Oct. 1.” “This is of concern to me, Del Rio continues to be a desired location for migrants from Haiti and the continent of Africa,” CBP Agent Raul L. Ortiz commented. “We continue to work with DHS and our law enforcement partners to address this issue.”

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol Agents Arrest Haitians (Credit Image: CBP)

The press release says that since “Oct 1, the beginning of Fiscal Year 2020, Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents have arrested nearly 500 Haitian nationals . . . Del Rio Sector’s total apprehensions this year, to date are in excess of 7,000, nearly a 50 percent increase in the total number of arrests made during the previous fiscal year to date. Nearly 5,000 of the individuals arrested this year, close to 70 percent, are from approximately 38 countries other than Mexico.”

It is a good reminder that given current demographic trends, the future of Third World immigration to the US isn’t Hispanic, but black.

The CBP also just published an overview of its actions in California during the 2019 Fiscal Year. These include “more than 78 million inspections of travelers, seiz[ing] more than 104 tons of illegal narcotics and apprehend[ing] almost 35,000 immigration violators.”

Drug seizures for California comparing FY19 to FY18
FY2018FY2019Percent change
Marijuana (lbs.)106,030112,419+6%
Cocaine (lbs.)10,43112,034+16%
Heroin (lbs.)2,8462,560-10%
Methamphetamine (lbs.)48,64580,548+66%
Fentanyl (lbs.)1,1181,472+32%
Wanted Fugitives Arrested1,9111,431-25%
Inadmissible Aliens35,64033,466-6%

The numbers could be worse. Remember, the war on opioids is a war to protect whites, who comprise the overwhelming majority of deaths caused by those drugs. Some 80 – 95 percent of all street drugs in America come through Mexico. This includes 90-94 percent of heroin.

Hopefully law enforcement will mostly ignore marijuana and really crack down on hard drugs.

In conclusion, though “ICE is nice,” remember too that “Customs and Border are nothing to abhor.”