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Lauren Southern Detained at UK Border, Investigated Under Terrorism Act & Banned from UK

More shocking news from the UK, as popular nationalist pundit Lauren Southern is detained at the UK-France border in Calais. The police are investigating her because of her ties to “racists”, like Brittany Pettibone and Tommy Robinson. This is all done under the Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act, while Britain is currently home to 25,000 potential terrorists.

Brittany Pettibone, who herself was detained under the same bogus allegations of racism just last week, is in touch with Lauren and has said that she had her passport taken off of her and was sent for questioning. She’s been put in detention and has had her phone removed.

This is the latest in a series of government-endorsed anti-nationalist discrimination. UK politicians insist that we have freedom of expression, but then refuse entry and detain people like Lauren Southern, Martin Sellner, and Brittany Pettibone, who are only guilty of journalism and activism. It begs the question, is it safe to hold right wing opinions in Britain, where people are detained at the border for that same heinous crime?