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Author Says Antifa Should Be Listed as a Domestic Terror Group

Evergreen State College has been under siege by left-wing protesters known as Antifa, forcing the Washington state school to move its graduation off campus.


Just days ago, Antifa “black bloc” activists clashed with a pro-Trump group which organized a free speech rally in Olympia and then walked to campus.

The rally’s organizer said he was pepper-sprayed and left bloodied by the angry mob and some rally-goers found their vehicle tires slashed.

On “Fox & Friends” today, Steve Doocy asked whether Antifa should be considered a domestic terrorist group.

Author Scott Greer, who also works as deputy editor of Daily Caller, said it should be on the list because the group legitimizes and celebrates acts of violence against their opponents.

“They use terror tactics different from ISIS and other Islamic militant groups. Instead of bombs and guns, they use bricks and bike locks to intimidate and harass and suppress civil liberties and to threaten their political opponents,” said Greer.


[Editor’s Note: Scott Greer recently wrote an excellent book, No Campus for White Men, see F. Roger Devlin’s review of it here.]