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Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, the West Is Doomed

Former presidential candidate and conservative author Pat Buchanan feels his views have been vindicated this election cycle, but his next prediction, if proven right, won’t be a celebratory matter as he sees the death of the western civilization on the horizon.


Buchanan told TheDC, “I was just astonished to see [Trump] raise the precise issues on which we ran in the 1990s . . . Donald Trump has raised three issues of real concern to paleoconservatives and traditional conservatives like myself.”

These three stances that Trump hits on to Buchanan’s contentment are border security, economic nationalism, and being “skeptical of these endless wars and interventions.”


In 2001, Buchanan released the book “The Death of the West.” He followed this book up with “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” in 2011. When asked if a Trump victory in the United States, and the success of groups such as the National Front in France could offset this demise, Buchanan was not hopeful.

“Do I think those books stand up very well? Yup,” Buchanan told TheDC. “The West is disintegrating. Its faith is dead. When the cult dies, the culture dies and when the culture dies the civilization dies, and when the civilization dies the people die, and that’s what’s happening to western civilization.”

The conservative commentator was especially grim about Europe, Buchanan said, “It’s hard for me to see how the Europeans survive whether they have the will just given the trend-lines in terms of population and in terms of immigrants pouring in.”

He told TheDC, “I’m not a great optimist about the western civilization.”