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White Trash Reception Hits the Hill

Yeah, you read that headline right. The lobbying and policy shop Strategic Health Care is hosting a “White Trash Reception on the Hill” next week. {snip} It reads:

Hey y’all — get gussied up in your Sunday jorts, mullets, and fullets and come on down to the White Trash Reception.

White Trash Reception

July 19, 2012

5:30 — 9:30 pm

[address clipped]

Grab some suds and grub with Strategic Health Care! Please RSVP (rite so vittles pre-pared) to [email clipped].

Peggy Tighe, Beth Swickard, Jason Gromley, and Kyah Flickinger

Just to make sure we weren’t getting punked, we phoned Swickard, the firm’s director of government relations, to ask if the invitation is legit. It is.

She said the party at the firm’s Capitol Hill townhouse gathers lobbyists, Hill staffers and health industry types for some happy hour fun. {snip}
