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Three European Parliament Members Decry White Farmer Murders in South Africa

The murder of white farmers in South Africa is one of the great, unheralded crimes of our time. People and organizations that would be in a frenzy if whites were killing black farmers turn their backs on the Boers.

Last November, however, three members of the European Parliament drafted a declaration calling attention to these barbaric crimes, and urging the European Community officially to press for better protection for farmers.

The declaration was drafted by the three following Euro MPs, and signed by 48 others.

Philip Claeys, Vlaams Belang
Fiorello Provera, Lega Nord
Andreas Mölzer, Austrian Freedom Party

This is only a modest beginning, but it is encouraging to see Europeans are taking note of the plight of their kinsmen overseas.

Can we imagine an American Congressional committee issuing a declaration of this kind?

Below is a 10-minute excerpt from a powerful documentary 2011 film about the South African farm killings called “War of the Flea.”