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Racist Bumper Sticker Removed from UM Native American Building

Students on Monday discovered a white supremacy bumper sticker stuck to the door of the University of Montana’s Payne Family Native American Center.

A week and a half earlier, a student discovered discriminatory messages stuffed into books in the African-American section of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library.


The sticker read “Save the White Race! Earth’s Most Endangered Species” and was posted on the doors of the recycling center of the Native American building. {snip}

The bumper sticker included the online address of Montana Creators, “a pro-white organization that is dedicated to the survival, expansion and advancement of the White race–and it alone,” according to the group’s website.

There’s no evidence linking the two acts of discrimination, and the police said it’s hard to know who actually posted the sticker and whether that group had anything to do with the incident. {snip}

Several Native students came into American Indian Student Services on Monday upset by what they saw.

“When things like this happen, it deflates the students,” said Fredricka Hunter, director of American Indian Student Services. “I think students are hoping something will happen. There’s a no-tolerance policy on campus.”


The person or people responsible for the acts could face criminal and university penalties, said Lucy France, director of the Equal Opportunities and Affirmative Action office.
