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Racial Violence Has Not Made It Into the Conversation about Race

If we’re going to have a conversation about race, we should include violent black mobs in the list of conversation topics. After all, recent mob violence is the closest our nation has come to widespread racial strife in over 50 years.


In fact, a mob of black youths in Philadelphia went about chanting the phrase “black boys,” beating mostly on whites, and attacking businesses. The same kind of racial mob violence has occurred in Las Vegas, and just last week in New York City. Few are paying attention, and liberal elites are largely silent.


Time and again over the last few years, mobs of black youths attacked mostly white victims in Philadelphia. There were at least 6 such mob scenes in Philadelphia during 2009 and 2010. These black mob attacks, euphemistically named “flash mobs,” have not received anything close to the attention they deserve. In one attack, a mob of blacks beat a young white woman senseless–a mob that had chanted “black boys” and “burn the city,” according to the New York Times. {snip} Some reporting has, amazingly, made the simple observation about the racial make-up of these mobs: that they are “mostly African American.”

These horrible mob attacks must be viewed in the larger context of interracial violence in America. Department of Justice statistics show that 33% of white murder victims are killed by a non-white while only 8% of black murder victims are killed by a non-black. Even greater disparities exist in violent crime and robbery. The disparity in interracial crime is certainly indicative of some form of extremism, racial hostility, or selective targeting. The mobs reflect something worse: organized and widespread anti-white ethnic violence.

Mobs of black youths have taken to randomly attacking pedestrians and businesses. This problem is nightmarish in its implications: a subset of the population has no self-control, was not raised to control violent impulses, and evidently gets pleasure out of hurting other people–particularly people of other races. This type of person usually has done nothing to create anything of value, but rather destroys for pleasure. They organize using social media, and their goal is mayhem. They have been coddled and socialized by the welfare state and public education system. With an aggressive sense of entitlement, and no regard for others, they will predictably become more violent. The mobs reflect an undesirable character type, and the vast majority of those in “flash mobs” are of the same race.

Now, the cultural enrichment of “flash mobs” is spreading to New York City. In Greenwich Village last week, security video captured “a group of youths climbing on counters, throwing chairs and throwing tables in a violent attack on workers” at a Dunkin’ Donuts. {snip} Watching the video, one is struck by the extraordinarily callous behavior of the teens, who were all black–a fact not mentioned in any of the reporting about that attack. Unlike the case with many acts of violence, certain youths are evidently becoming more and more comfortable with public, organized group violence. {snip}


Yet, the racial aspect of the “flash mob” phenomenon is not seriously covered in the mainstream media. This is proof of systematic racial bias in reporting, and a failure of leadership across the board in our society. The mainstream media is in effect using a filtering process that downplays violence by blacks against whites. {snip}

The media filtering process undermines society’s interest in safety. When the majority ethnic group is being attacked in potentially catastrophic racial group violence, the press has a duty to report the underlying facts. Flash mobs are the closest our nation has come to widespread racial strife in over 50 years. Flash mobs, if unaddressed, will evolve into further racist attacks against whites. {snip} Moreover, if our legal, political, and academic leadership had more intellectual and moral integrity, the “flash mob” would be taken as seriously as “hate speech,” racial profiling, and other non-violent offenses against minority feelings.

