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Protest the White Privilege Conference

April 13th marks the beginning of the 12th Annual White Privilege Conference at the Sheraton Hotel in Bloomington, Minnesota.

This event is being sponsored by such left wing institutions as the St. Paul Foundation, the University of Minnesota’s Office for Equity and Diversity, and the Minneapolis YWCA.

The White Privilege Conference offers three days of liberal indoctrination on “white guilt” and “social justice.” This is the same old propaganda that says White Men are responsible for all the poverty and injustice in the world, and the only solution is more laws and welfare programs.

Here are some examples of “White Privilege” from their website:

“White people can go out in public without fear of being harassed or constantly worried about physical safety.”

Reality check: According to the National Crime Victimization Survey for 2001-2003 Blacks were 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against Whites than vice versa. Blacks were also 2.25 times more likely to commit a hate crime against Whites or Hispanics than vice versa.

“Being able to assume that if you work hard and follow the rules, you will get what you deserve.”

Reality check: Generous social welfare benefits such as food stamps, Section 8 housing, and school lunch programs are available to poor and minorities. Meanwhile, for working Americans, the more they earn the more they have to pay in taxes to support such programs.

“Being able to assume that most of the people you or your children study in history classes and textbooks will be of the same race, gender, or sexual orientation as you are.”

Reality check: Millions of dollars are spent in public schools to raise awareness and teach children about figures such as Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B DuBois. Martin Luther King Jr. is the only American to have his own holiday and the entire month of February is dedicated to Black History. The above claim is simply a part of the liberal agenda to remove “Old White Men” such as the Founding Fathers from American schools and abandon traditional values.

Dear friends, it is time to show the liberal left, that us hardworking Americans are not feeling the “privilege.”

On April 13th-16th, 20011, Wednesday thru Saturday, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Please join us to protest their event:

Minneapolis Sheraton Hotel

7800 Nomandale Blvd.

Minneapolis, MN 55439 (952) 835-7800

What is Privilege?

“White Privilege is the other side of racism. Unless we name it, we are in danger of wallowing in guilt or moral outrage with no idea of how to move beyond them. {snip} once we understand how white privilege operates, we can begin addressing it on an individual and institutional basis.” ~Paula Rothenberg

“Privilege exists when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they’ve done or failed to do. {snip}” ~Peggy McIntosh

Examples of Privilege

Being able to . . .

* assume that most of the people you or your children study in history classes and textbooks will be of the same race, gender, or sexual orientation as you are

* assume that your failures will not be attributed to your race, or your gender

* assume that if you work hard and follow the rules, you will get what you deserve

* success without other people being surprised; and without being held to a higher standard

* go out in public without fear of being harassed or constantly worried about physical safety

* not have to think about your race, or your gender, or your sexual orientation, or disabilities, on a daily basis . . .

WPC is About Creating Change!

“Whites need to acknowledge and work through the negative historical implications of ‘Whiteness’ and create for ourselves a transformed identity as White people committed to equity and social change . . . To teach my White students and my own children . . . that there are different ways of being White, and that they have a choice as White people to become champions of justice and social healing.” ~Gary Howard


To learn more about privilege, we recommend:

Privilege, Power and Difference, by Allan Johnson

Privilege: A Reader, edited by Michael S. Kimmel and Abby L. Ferber

White Privilege: Essential Readings on the Other Side of Racism, by Paul Rothenberg

White Privilege Conference, updated March 11, 2011

TENTATIVELY, the following workshops, films, and events will occur:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Thursday, April 14, 2011


9:30am-10:45am Keynote Address I – Michelle Alexander


1:45pm-3:00pm Keynote Address II – Steve Martinot


Friday, April 15, 2011


8:00am-8:30am Opening ceremonies

Blessing by Ojibwe Elder Sharon Day

Drum Performance


9:00am-11:00am Keynote III: Panel Discussion with Rose Brewer,

Waziyatawin & Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz


Saturday, April 16, 2011


Registration and Information rates: