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Last Chance to Help Refugees and Get 2010 Tax Savings

Dear Supporter,

Time is running out to help refugees and immigrants pursue the American dream and gain your 2010 tax-deduction. Gifts from caring people like you help uphold our nation’s belief in freedom and opportunity for everyone.

We urge you to make a tax-deductible donation today. You will be helping us provide essential services to newcomers, so they can rebuild their lives in the United States and contribute to our growth as a nation.

In 2011, USCRI celebrates its 100th anniversary and remains dedicated to successfully resettling refugees in cities from coast to coast. From the moment refugees arrive in the United States, USCRI is there to help guide them along the path to citizenship. We meet them at the airport, furnish their new homes, enroll their children in school, assist parents with their job search, and otherwise help them adapt to life in the United States.

With your support, USCRI will be even better equipped to harness the potential of refugees so they can become self-sufficient, contributing members of their new communities. Please make your donation today.

In the coming year, USCRI will continue to help another vulnerable group of immigrants pursue the American dream: migrating children. Through our National Center for Refugee and Immigrant Children, your gift will help these unaccompanied minors gain access to the support, tools, and resources necessary to navigate the judicial system and start rebuilding their lives.

There is not a moment to waste. Make your tax-deductible donation today to ensure that those fleeing persecution and war have a chance for a better tomorrow.

I wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy New Year.


Lavinia Limón

President and CEO, USCRI