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I’m Back in the Political Fray and in the Fight Against Illegal Immigration . . . And I Need Your Help!

Dear fellow conservative,

As a longtime partner with me in the battle to secure our nation’s borders and stop the scourge of illegal immigration, I want you to be among the first to know that this week I filed my papers as a candidate for governor of Colorado.

I am running for governor in part because the leading Republican candidates for governor are both enmeshed in serious ethical and financial scandals that not only reflect badly on their character, but that are so bad they also guarantee the election of the Democratic candidate, liberal Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper.

And John Hickenlooper, just like Barack Obama, is committed to the “sanctuary” and open-border policies that have made Colorado a front-line state in the illegal immigration wars!

As a Coloradan, I can’t stand by and let the ethical failings of the leading Republican candidates just hand the governorship over to a Democrat who is wrong on every single issue of importance to our state . . . not just illegal immigration, but also taxes and government spending.

Today, as a patriot who shares my commitment to the cause of reclaiming our nation for our people and our values, I am asking you to join my campaign.

Will you help me by making an online contribution to “Tancredo for Governor 2010?” (Click here.) With just three months to go until the election, time is of the essence!

The maximum contribution you can make under Colorado law is $525. If you can make a contribution (click here) for $525 today, I would be so grateful because that would really kick off our campaign dramatically!

But I also would be grateful for your contribution of $400, $250, $100 or even $50 today. John Hickenlooper has been running for governor for months and I need to hit the ground running this week!

Colorado is facing many challenges today, just like most states. I served in the Colorado Legislature for ten years before going to Congress, and I know how to make state government work for the people by applying solid conservative principles of governance.

And as the battle over illegal immigration has moved from Washington DC to the states, it is going to be critically important to our cause to elect men and women as governors who are committed to standing up against Barack Obama and enforcing our laws against illegal immigration.

We are seeing a great example of that commitment to the rule of law in Arizona, and I can pledge to you that I will fight that same battle in Colorado!

I deeply appreciate your friendship and your commitment to our cause. I hope that you will stand with me once again (click here).

Many Thanks,

Tom Tancredo

P.S. I really can’t overstate how much I am relying on friends like you to help me with your best gift today (click here.).

The election is just three months away and although I have great name recognition here in Colorado, I still need to rapidly put together our campaign team and materials! Please let me hear from you soon (click here)!


Maximum individual contribution by law is $525 each calendar year. Corporate contributions and foreign contributions are prohibited by law. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes.

Paid for and Authorized by Tancredo for Governor 2010

From: USA Today:

“I will officially announce at noon that I will seek the nomination of the Constitution Party,” Tancredo told the Post.

Ex-congressman Tom Tancredo has entered the race for Colorado governor as a third-party candidate, setting off a nasty battle among Republicans in this political bellwether state, The Denver Post reports.

Tancredo will make the formal announcement of his candidacy later today as a member of the American Constitution Party, the paper reports. Tancredo served five terms in Congress as a Republican and briefly ran for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008 on a platform that focused on stopping illegal immigration.

Tancredo, in a radio appearance today, said he was trying to do “my level best to do what’s necessary for the conservatives in this state” by entering the race.

As our colleague Kathy Kiely noted last week, the Republican establishment disagrees with Tancredo’s move. Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dick Wadhams has warned that Tancredo’s bid will throw the governorship to Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, the Democrat who is running unopposed for his party’s nomination.

Trancredo had warned the two Republican contenders, Scott McInnis and Dan Maes, that he would enter the contest if they refused to end their campaigns after the primary if polls showed the winner falling behind Hickenlooper.

According to The Denver Post, Wadhams and Tancredo had an “all-out brawl” on a Colorado radio station this morning and called one another liars. On Sunday, the leaders of nearly two dozen Tea Party groups also asked Tancredo to refrain from entering the race.

In a letter, they urged Tancredo to “stay in the Republican Party, let the process play out for the governor’s race. . . . In other words, to trust and respect the newly awakened, energized and informed voters of Colorado.”

[This is just one of a number of national news media stories breaking at this moment on the Tancredo Constitution Party Gubernatorial Candidacy in Colorado]

Note: The American Constitution Party is the official name of the Colorado state affiliate of the Constitution Party.