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Domestic Terrorist? Cop Killer Celebrated As “Muslim Martyr”

Maurice Clemmons, the alleged shooter in the Sunday murder of four Lakewood, Washington police officers, was killed early this morning by a Seattle police officer.

The blogsite Fire Andrea Mitchell reported that a radical black Muslim group called the National Black Foot Soldiers held a protest today outside the Parkland, Washington coffee shop where the murders occurred. The protesters allegedly gathered to celebrate Clemmons as a “Crowned BOW (Black on White) Martyr,” calling his attack a “preemptive strike on terrorists . . . ”

The substance of this story was originally announced by a blog called the Last Crusade, which has also claimed that Clemmons converted to Islam while imprisoned in Arkansas. Gateway Pundit picked up the story as well, noting however, that Last Crusade’s claim of Clemmons’ conversion is unsubstantiated.

A black militant site called “Black Male Felon” seemingly described the protest:


{snip} The Black Foot Soldiers were not protesting, except perhaps online, but they were referring to Clemmons’ attack as a protest:

“Seattle Black Foot Soldiers say the four people slain in a daring demonstration at the Steele Street Forza Coffee House in Parkland were racist terrorists who caused black citizens to live in fear. (Emphasis added.)”

What these groups say is that any killing of whites, including in this case Clemmons’ cold-blooded murder of officers Renninger, Owens, Griswald, and Richards, is “a legitimate protest”. Black Male Felon celebrates the killings as “Brother Maurice Clemmons’ daring stand against white police terrorism.” The theme of National Black Foot Soldiers is captured in the slogan: “When whites pay reparations there will be no more black on white crime.”

The vitriolic hatred on these sites is enough to turn a person’s stomach. The bit of writing contained on these sites is essentially a collage of run-on sentences spewing foul language interspersed liberally with admonitions to kill whitey. They blatantly advocate murder and defend other recent cases of seemingly senseless black on white killings, like the four Oakland police officers killed by Lovelle Mixon, and many, many others.

Many who voted for Barack Obama believed his election would finally put an end to this kind of racist hatred. Indeed, he promised to work toward that end. If anything however, his election seems to have emboldened it. Jeremiah Wright should have been a warning.
