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Nagin Goes to Oakland

Mayor Nagin has gone to Oakland, California to lead a panel at a “Technology Summit.”

Nagin’s press office says he was invited to participate in an event organized by the City of Oakland and Temple University’s school of business by the Mayor of Oakland, Ronald Dellums.

According to a press release from city hall, ” Mayor Nagin is considered an expert on emergency preparation, having implemented a successful City Assisted Evacuation Plan and led the mandatory evacuation and repopulation of the entire city within a four-day period. He also is credited with ensuring the City of New Orleans avoided bankruptcy following Hurricane Katrina and with providing the fiscal leadership that has led to a strong financial recovery.”

The session focuses on topics such as identifying hazards in a community, risk mitigation, ensuring continuity of operations following an emergency, and conducting a critical infrastructure risk assessment.

During the panel, Nagin will discuss the City Assisted Evacuation Plan, which was used for Gustav and the 311 citizen information service, which registered residents for evacuation