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Racial Achievement Controversy

The goal of the legislation is to leave no child behind, but some parents say the No Child Left Behind legislation is singling certain children out.

Many Florida schools did not meet the Annual Yearly Progress guidelines.

Williston Middle School is one of those schools. They sent out a letter to parents stating why they fell short. A portion of the letter states:

“The following sub-groups did not meet the criteria for making AYP.

1. Reading: African American students

2. Mathematics: African American students and students with disabilities.

3. Writing: African American students”

That language has some parents concerned.

“It’s unfortunate that they find someone to put the blame on. I’m very much concerned about that I can’t say that enough. ‘African American, African American.’ it’s got to be more to it,” says Jeff Bryant.

Bryant is a father and former school teacher. He says the letter sounds racist.

But Levy County school officials say it’s not meant to sound that way. They add, they also have no choice in how it sounds because the state lays out very specific guidelines for how to notify parents of the schools’ progress.
