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GenSpec Formulates the World’s First Genetically Specific Vitamins and Weight Loss Supplements

NEW YORK — GenSpec Labs, LLC. has announced that it has formulated the world’s first genetically specific nutraceutical product line which effectively addresses the unique metabolic needs of African-Americans, Hispanics, and Caucasians.

“Vitamins are not one size fits all,” says Joseph Lander, President and Founder of GenSpec. “Access to good health is a fundamental right and through our extensive research, product development, and dedication to educate the consumer, our products will revolutionize the way vitamins are used. By providing therapeutic levels of vital nutrients, GenSpec has the potential to help prevent certain diseases.”

With his team of medical professionals, Lander has discovered that unique physiological and metabolic differences can actually cause various vitamin deficiencies, thus making each ethnic group much more vulnerable to different life-threatening diseases.

“Comparative studies show that different ethnic groups have distinct health needs and unique risk factors. These risk factors cause suffering from many of the most dangerous and debilitating diseases. While diet, exercise and regular medical exams can have a positive effect on an individual’s overall health, these same studies indicate that genetics play a major role,” says Vice President of GenSpec, Dr. Dexter Russell, an ANA certified naprapath.

Notably, research from the Mayo Clinic, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society support GenSpec’s findings and demonstrate the significant health disparities between different ethnic groups. Among the greatest disparities are those seen among Hispanics and African-Americans, who are far more likely to suffer from extreme vitamin D deficiency, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, rectal and colon cancer, prostate cancer, and end-stage kidney disease. These two groups also experience lower metabolic rates, which contribute to higher incidences of life-threatening obesity. Caucasians are more likely to suffer from spina bifida, osteoporosis and breast cancer.

While there have been numerous studies that show the correlation of vitamin D deficiency and debilitating medical conditions, the solution has often been unrealistic as far as meeting the recommended daily allowance for vitamin D. For most minorities, the presence of melanin in skin cells and lactose intolerance prevent proper vitamin absorption and consumption. GenSpec is the only product that offers an effective method of obtaining a sufficient amount of these nutrients on a daily basis.

“Calcium and vitamin D metabolism are major concerns for African-Americans and Hispanics that have not been adequately addressed by modern medicine,” says Dr. Jim Wood, a practicing nephrologist who trained at Yale. “It has been shown that up to ninety percent of African-Americans do not consume the recommended daily allowance of calcium. This is one of the main reasons I believe so strongly in this product and what it represents — GenSpec emphasizes the health needs of a unique population.”
