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‘White Boy’ Comment Draws Ire of Black Conservatives

Conservative African Americans Tuesday slammed liberal black activist Dick Gregory for referring to a Cybercast News Service reporter as a “white boy” during a nationally televised cable news program Monday night. Gregory later apologized for the remark.

The exchange took place during the “Hannity & Colmes” program on the Fox News Channel. Gregory and Cybercast News Service Senior Staff Writer Marc Morano discussed comments Gregory made during an Aug. 6 march in Atlanta commemorating the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act.

Reading from Morano’s article, co-host Sean Hannity asked Gregory to confirm whether he had made a number of controversial remarks during the event.

The activist readily acknowledged that he had referred to Republicans as “white racist thugs” and called the United States “the most dishonest, ungodly, unspiritual nation that ever existed in the history of the planet.”

But, when Gregory hesitated in his responses, Hannity turned to Morano for confirmation.

“You don’t have to confirm what I said,” Gregory charged. “I’ve already said it. So I don’t need no white boy to come on and say yes, he said it.”

Surprised by Gregory’s reply, Hannity repeated, “No white boy? No white boy?” and asked Gregory if he wanted to apologize to Morano for calling him a racially charged term.

“Yes, I apologize for it,” Gregory replied.


Mychal Massie, a radio talk show host and member of the black conservative group Project 21, agreed with Peterson, telling Cybercast News Service that Gregory’s remarks provided “an unambiguous display of overt black racism.”

Massie’s disdain extended to the Atlanta event, which he called “a pep rally for hatred.” He was also critical of many of the participants, including U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Rev. Jesse Jackson, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), actor Greg Mathis and singer/actor Harry Belafonte.

“Combined, these people have a greater aggregate income than some third-world countries,” Massie said. “How has America hurt them? How have they been injured by what’s taking place in America? And where are their ideas and solutions?”
