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Channel 9 Busts City Workers Taking Long Lunch Breaks

VIDEO: Investigation Busts City Workers on Long Lunches

ORLANDO, Fla. — A Channel 9 investigation uncovered that Orlando city workers’ lunch breaks were lasting hours. When cameras showed up, they scattered and only Channel 9 has the video that’s launched a major investigation at city hall.

The workers were supposed to be fixing potholes and improving road drainage, instead they were playing cards. Eyewitness Bob Howard says he’s seen the crews out at Roosevelt Martin Park for at least the past six months.

“They’re out here for approximately three hours. Then they do something else and they roll out,” says Howard.

Channel 9 cameras caught the roads and drainage crews five different times. And even though the crews only get a half-hour lunch break, they were almost always out longer. One water truck once spent two and a half hours at the park. His co-workers were there over two hours several times.
