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White Renegade of the Year–2014

To be a white renegade, it’s not enough simply to act against the interests of whites. You have to know better–or at least show signs that you know better. You have to have the capacity to act in defense of your people but consciously choose to turn away from their interests.

Rand Paul was our first award winner because he consciously chose to act against his own stated beliefs in order to remain acceptable to the political establishment. This year, we nominate a CEO whose name is synonymous with the software industry and arguably the greatest leap in human potential in history. We describe, with much regret, the choices of a powerful man who uses his wealth and opportunity to undermine the country, culture, and people that made his accomplishments possible.

The White Renegade of the Year for 2014 is Bill Gates.

A question of intelligence

Bill Gates is a member of that first generation of the software industry, someone who figured things out for himself. He had an unimpeachably WASP upbringing, but dropped out of Harvard in 1975 and started “Micro-Soft” after reading about the Altair 8800 in Popular Mechanics and realizing normal people were going to start using microcomputers. He built his company from the ground up when he spotted an opening for software developers for emerging computer companies.

From the beginning, Mr. Gates’s strategy relied on skillful manipulation of copyright, maintaining Microsoft’s freedom to deal with as many hardware companies as possible while jealously guarding his market share by any means necessary. Like many great businessmen, Mr. Gates realized that the key to success is not just a good product, but market access and control over distribution. Mr. Gates is, in short, a successful monopolist, rather than a creative artist like Steve Jobs.

Mr. Gates also realized that the tech industry was in a fierce competition for high-IQ workers. He famously said his biggest adversary was Goldman Sachs, because they were competing with him for the brightest employees. Unfortunately for him, Griggs vs. Duke Power makes it difficult to use IQ tests for job interviews because of the “disparate impact” such tests have on blacks. Therefore, Microsoft’s job interviews featured word teasers and other questions specifically designed to get the effect of IQ tests without actually using them. There is an example at the end of this article.

Bill Gates is known to be obsessed with IQ. After traveling the country for five days with Mr. Gates, a reporter from Forbes said that he “must have talked about IQ a hundred times. Getting the brightest bulbs to work at Microsoft has always been his obsession.” Years later, the same reporter noted that “Gates has always loved IQ . . . . It never seems to occur to Gates that IQ has become a politically incorrect subject for many.”

Even though he has not run Microsoft for some time, Mr. Gates remains passionately interested in IQ. He stresses the importance of raw intelligence in his public statements, and he is clearly aware of one of the great challenges of a globalized economy–the low IQ of people in developing countries. In a speech in July 2013, Mr. Gates noted that “the average IQ in sub-Saharan Africa is about 82.”

Bill Gates’s, whose own intelligence is legendary, got that figure from a study in the January-February 2010 issue of Intelligence.The article was a reply to Richard Lynn’s IQ and Global Inequality, which estimated the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans at around 70. However, the authors largely agreed with IQ and Global Inequality’s other estimates of intelligence, and 82 is still very low. Mr. Gates can’t pretend to be ignorant of racial differences in intelligence or their implications.

In the same speech, though, Mr. Gates added that the low African IQ has “nothing to do with genetics or race or anything like that–that’s disease and that’s what disease does to you, and that’s why these things are such an extreme poverty trap.”

Obviously, intelligence depends to some extent on environment. The Rockefeller Foundation’s campaign against hookworm raised IQ in the South, and the Gates foundation has spent many millions of dollars to reduce iodine deficiency–a leading cause of mental retardation–in the developing world. But preventing brain damage in Kazakhstan isn’t going to supply the kind of brain power Mr. Gates needed at Microsoft, nor will it eliminate the racial IQ gap.

If genetics don’t account for differences in ability between ethnic groups, what does? Mr. Gates finds the answer in the environmental determinism of Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel. He says of the book,

I had never read anything that explained so much about human history. None of the classes I took in high school or college answered what I thought was one of the biggest and most important questions about history: Why do some societies advance so much faster and further than others?

He may not actually believe this. One of the books Mr. Gates says is “on his shelf” is Broken Genius: The Rise and Fall of William Shockley, Creator of the Electronic Age.On his blog, Mr. Gates posts the publisher’s description–which details how Shockley’s “campaigning about race, intelligence and genetics . . . destroyed his reputation”–without comment.

William Shockley won the Nobel Prize for helping invent the transistor, but he thought the fight against dysgenics was more important. As Thomas Jackson noted in American Renaissance, as a result of his courage and persistence, Shockley may have been the “most reviled man in America” when he died in 1989. Mr. Gates may see Shockley’s experience as a warning: If he cares about his reputation he better keep his mouth shut.

Either way, neither iodine tablets nor Jared Diamond’s bromides will do anything to supply the high IQ employees that Microsoft needs to stay competitive. And Mr. Gates is no longer promoting a culture of high IQ, but spending billions of dollars on failed efforts that make things worse.

The Gates Foundation has poured billions into Africa on the assumption, as Mr. Gates explains, that transforming Africa into another Asia is a technical question, a matter of finding the right “formula.” Mr. Gates’ own billions are not enough–he tells Northern European countries that have no history of African colonialism that they also need to cough up their people’s money to “invest” in Africa.

Bill Gates does, however, deserve credit for promoting contraception in poor countries, including Africa. The Gates Foundation says it wants to pay for birth control for “an additional 120 million women and girls in the poorest countries by 2020.” Mr. Gates is also spending millions on a new implantable contraceptive that could work for as long as 18 years, and be turned off and on wirelessly from outside the body. His foundation has paid for research on new materials for condoms that are tougher but also provide greater sensation.


From 2000 to 2009, Bill Gates spent $2 billion trying to create smaller class sizes in American schools. The avowed justification was that Mr. Gates was “terrified for our workforce of tomorrow.” Much of the money went to efforts headed by, of all people, Bill Ayers’s brother Rick, as well as other hard-left activists. In 2009, after grades did not improve despite smaller class sizes, Mr. Gates admitted failure, but various leftists no doubt enjoyed Mr. Gates’ paying their salaries for close to a decade.

Bill Gates then moved on to championing Common Core. He crushed opposition by simply buying off expert opinion on both the Left and Right, and awarding $233 million in grants to groups that would promote this new education scheme. Among these was the National Council of La Raza, and an “educational foundation” headed by pro-amnesty Republican and possible presidential candidate Jeb Bush.

Mr. Gates says the goal is to solve the “huge problem that low-income kids get less good education than suburban kids get.” As described at American Renaissance, what Common Core actually means is more jargon-heavy leftist indoctrination and impossible demands to close “racial achievement gaps.” Fourth graders, for example, will now have to learn about “white privilege.”

The squeeze on whites

Bill Gates also promotes mass immigration that pushes European-Americans out of the tech industry. In 2013, he joined Mark Zuckerberg’s, a tech industry group that pushed amnesty. has already spent $13.8 million on lobbying, vastly more than the $80,000 the National Council of La Raza spent on it during the same period.

Bill Gates began 2014 by demanding more immigration, calling our current laws an “injustice.” He also put $25 million towards a scholarship fund for “undocumented” youth–with the CEO of the Washington Post, Don Graham, as another financier.

In February, Mr. Gates stepped aside as chairman of the board at Microsoft, but retained an advisory role. His replacement was Satya Nadella, an Indian whose ascension was immediately hailed as an ethnic triumph for non-whites that will spur “Indian technologists in the U.S. to pursue high-profile positions.”

During the summer, Bill Gates joined forces with Warren Buffett and Sheldon Adelson to push for amnesty. In a July 10 editorial co-signed with these two men, Mr. Gates bemoaned the primary defeat of Eric Cantor and said it should not stop progress towards amnesty. After all, the editorial argued, “for those who wish to stay and work in computer science or technology, fields badly in need of their services, let’s roll out the welcome mat.” [Emphasis added]

Only one week later, Microsoft announced it was laying off 18,000 workers–14 percent of the full-time workforce–in the largest layoff in the company’s history. Thousands of contract workers also found their hours slashed. As Senator Jeff Sessions pointed out, it makes no sense to import more STEM workers when 75 percent of Americans with STEM degrees aren’t working in the field, and when the very companies that are lobbying for amnesty are laying off workers.

But Bill Gates has an even more explicit agenda: The Gates Millennium Scholars Program offers “good through graduation” scholarships to students of every ethnic group–except whites. Microsoft’s Indian CEO proudly announced just this month that “we will make progress every year towards building a more diverse workforce and creating opportunities at every level of the company for all of Microsoft’s employees.” The title of Julie Bort’s article on the announcement in Business Insiderwas “Microsoft CEO Vows To Hire More People Who Are Not White Or Male.” Mr. Nadella’s adviser in this effort is Jesse Jackson, who compares the lack of black computer programmers to segregation.

Bill and Melinda Gates’s definition of “philanthropy” is becoming more overtly political, including million dollar donations to gun control groups. Other Microsoft execs joined this effort, which may represent a movement that will make whites even more vulnerable to non-white violence.

The missed opportunity

Rich capitalists are nothing new. Yet the captains of industry of the past usually thought they had a duty to invest in the future of the country. Many of our great museums, universities, libraries, and cultural institutions were founded by those who built vast fortunes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What will be Bill Gates’s legacy? He’s helping turn America into something like Windows Vista–a mediocrity that trades off a legacy earned during better times. If Silicon Valley promotes affirmative-action jobs instead of pioneering innovation, America will be driven out of the technology sector.

This is a betrayal not just of whites but of what Silicon Valley once represented. It used to stand for the idea of a Jeffersonian meritocracy–an aristocracy of talent composed of smart, hard-working, ambitious people who created things that were genuinely new and exciting. It was a place where accomplishment counted for more than political correctness, where intelligence trumped ideology. Today, Bill Gates pushes the ideology of egalitarianism rather than the importance of IQ.

Mr. Gates may hold the distinction of having wasted more money than any single person in history who doesn’t work for the United States government. He had the chance to do an enormous amount of good for his people and his country but he muffed it. He has given us no vision to aspire to, no dream to inspire us. He has become a glorified custodian for a nation that has lost its way.

This is reported to be an “easy” Microsoft interview question. We expect our readers can figure out the answer.

Imagine a bear walks the following paths:

  1. South one mile
  2. Left turn
  3. East one mile
  4. Left turn
  5. North one mile

The bear arrives at where he started. What color is the bear? Why?