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White Women Are in an Abusive Relationship with the Left

The Left can’t hide its contempt for white women. “White women are lucky that we are just calling them Karens,” Washington Post Global Opinions Editor Karen Attiah said in a since-deleted tweet. “And not calling for revenge.”

Miss Attiah, who is black, blamed white women for “the 1921 Tulsa massacre,” the “murder of Emmett Till,” and the “exclusion of black women from feminist movements.” She was also angry that “53% of white women vot[ed] for Trump.”

Miss Attiah didn’t back down in the face of criticism: “I’m just saying. Be happy we are calling for equality. And not actual revenge.” She eventually deleted her tweets, but she didn’t recant. In a follow-up, she promoted the “Karen” meme because it shows “how everyday white women uphold white supremacy through violence, aggression, and the weaponizing of their gender.”

The Washington Post editor is not alone. The Karen meme, which ridicules white women for upholding standards, is popular. Timepublished an article last week that praised the abuse of “Karens” because it lays bare the “violent history of white womanhood.” Teen Voguepublished a piece attacking white women for upholding “white supremacy.” Bloombergproduced a video this week that demanded “White Women Privilege” be dismantled.

The Left heaps scorn on white women, even though they are increasingly the Left’s most devoted foot soldiers. Compared to 2014, 38 percent more white women think police killings are part of a broader problem rather than isolated incidents. This explains why most whites have a favorable view of Black Lives Matter. White women are common at many BLM protests. White women with college degrees favor Joe Biden over Donald Trump by 39 percent. Younger white women hold more liberal views on race, immigration, and social issues than young white men.

If white women are loyal to the left but the left scorns them, they are in an abusive relationship. Here is a mental health organization’s description, of an abusive relation. As you go down its checklist, it all fits:


The Left thinks it owns white women and can order them around. There is a whole genre of articles telling white women what to do:

White Women: We Must Stop Being Amy Cooper”

America is at its breaking point and white women still won’t stop frivolously calling police on black people

Shaming white people might stop some of them from calling 911 on us

White women need to be better allies to women of color

How White Women Can Be Better Black Lives Matter Allies

White Women Need to Check Their Privilege After the Women’s March”


The Left has never forgiven 53 percent of white women for voting for Mr. Trump in 2016. It latches on to this like a dumped lover who can’t get over an old text message.

“The 53 percent had once again sold out their sisters in the service of the patriarchy, an especially egregious sin in the wake of the #MeToo movement, which has exposed widespread sexual harassment and assault among powerful men in the workplace,” Washington Post reporter Vanessa Williams wrote in 2018. This particular “sell out” — which could have been anything — was the fact that a few white women senators voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

“[A] a vocal segment of women of color, especially black feminists, are saying, hold up, pump the brakes,” The Undefeated writer Lonnae O’Neal said in a 2016 article called “The 53 percent issue. ”While white feminists are issuing all-hands-on-deck calls to stand against a Trump presidency, these women say, they haven’t worked hard enough to even win over a majority of their own ranks.”

Vogue bitterly asked in 2018: “Why Do White Women Keep Voting for the GOP and Against Their Own Interests?” Journalists view white women as if they were unfaithful lovers.


Leftists love to insult white women. That is why the “Karen” and “Becky” slurs are so popular. Both are ways to bully white women. I wrote in June: “The ‘Karen’ meme normalizes contempt for white women. It stops whites from doing something when they see suspicious non-whites.” “Becky” is no different. Like an abusive lover, the Left insults whites and tries to make them submit.


Threats against white women are becoming more common. Miss Attiah’s tweets are just one example. More ominously, there could be legal penalties for white women who call the police on blacks. Amy Cooper, the “Central Park Karen” who called 911 on a black bird watcher in May, was charged with filing a false police report. She already had lost her job, suffered extreme harassment, and may be banned from Central Park for life.

San Francisco is considering a new law called the CAREN Act, which would criminalize “racially biased” 911 calls. The name stands for Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies and is inspired by the “Karen” meme. White women are clearly thought to be the problem.

Even a camera can be used to threaten white women. Last month, a black man in Seattle followed a white woman to her home after a traffic incident. He accused her of using the N-word and pulled out his phone to videotape her. The woman, realizing she could be the target of a video that could ruin her life, burst into tears and pleaded with her accuser that she was not racist. White women better get in line, or else.

Physical Violence

Some white women even suffer physical violence from the Left. Rioters beat a disabled white woman on camera in Minneapolis in May. The mob cheered on the black attackers as they punched her and emptied a fire extinguisher into her face. The woman was reportedly trying to stop a black mob from looting a Target.

A few days later, black rioters attacked a white woman who was riding her bike. A white man tried to fend off her attackers with a hockey stick. Rioters attacked him too.

Black looters beat an elderly white woman in Rochester, New York after she tried to stop them from attacking her store.

Rioters have surrounded white women in their cars and threatened them. A white mother in Fredericksburg, Virginia, begged police to rescue her and her child when rioters mobbed her car in June. The police did nothing.

It would be wrong to blame white women for any of this. Women are more conformist and submissive than men. They bow to what they think is powerful, respectable, and authoritative. It is not their fault that ideas that are destroying our country and our people have become authoritative. It is men — white men — who let that happen. Women will not change until we change.