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What Next for the Democratic Socialists of America?

Credit Image: © Erik Mcgregor / Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire

“I want to firebomb the White House,” said leftist activist Sythan Pok, “and you can quote me on that.” Politico did so in a respectful article about the “young left.” If someone said this at an American Renaissance conference, I’d predict swift federal action, and in-depth investigations about who to blame for “radicalization.” However, one of the nice things about being on the hard Left is that you never have to say you’re sorry. It also means you can keep organizing, agitating, and building power without much media or government scrutiny.

Bernie Sanders’s once surging campaign collapsed because the moderate wing of the party threw its weight behind Joe Biden, and Senator Sanders tried to appeal to woke non-whites instead of white workers. However, like the prediction that Texas will eventually go blue, this “political revolution” hasn’t been prevented, just delayed. It will take a different form than the one Mr. Sanders expected.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has grown 10-fold since 2016, according to organizer Kristin Porter. Just a few years ago, MAGA events around the country attracted white advocates, paleoconservatives, and traditional conservatives. These groups are weaker today. Conservatism Inc. tolerates far fewer nationalists within its ranks than it used to. Socialist groups are stronger than ever and already have many elected officials.

Many young socialists are driven by race and cultural issues. Mr. Pok says he was “the only brown kid in Utah.” (Unfortunately, this is not true, especially because the Mormon Church supports non-white immigration.) Another leftist organizer, Hunter Quaffman, says he is “queer.” Nikki Velamakanni says young people, “especially young people of color,” have a socialist vision for America. Another socialist says that though Senator Sanders probably won’t win, he’ll be “just as excited on behalf of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she runs for president.” These young activists clearly think in terms of race.

June 29, 2018 – New York – The NYC Democratic Socialists of America organized the march to #AbolishICE. (Credit Image: © Erik Mcgregor / Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)

Senator Sanders started a movement, but he won’t finish it. He lacks the toughness to fight like a real revolutionary. He also promotes broad programs that would theoretically benefit white working class people. Non-whites would gain relatively less. I’m not a socialist. I doubt such programs would work, especially with open borders and a majority non-white population. However, whites are already subsidizing non-whites. We already have a sort of racial socialism.

What’s coming next will not be Senator Sanders’ “democratic socialism,” but the racial socialism of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. The Green New Deal, a supposedly universal program, has set-asides for non-whites. Miss Tlaib and others support reparations. The last DSA conference was extremely “woke,” with outraged delegates on the floor protesting “gendered language.” Senator Sanders, for most of his career, defended broad social programs and disdained identity politics. After him, democratic socialism will be driven by racial grievances.

In the short term, socialists will blame the Democratic National Convention (DNC), the media, and establishment candidates for consolidating behind Joe Biden. One Bernie Sanders campaign organizer has already promised Milwaukee “will burn” if Bernie Sanders doesn’t get the nomination. My colleague Chris Roberts predicts at least some “radicalized” leftists will conclude there is no political solution and will turn to violence, as the Weather Underground did.

My response is that this has already happened, and almost no one noticed. A Sanders supporter shot Congressman Steve Scalise in 2017. Willem Van Spronsen used an unregistered AR-15 to attack an ICE facility, but the normally anti-gun media barely covered the story. The Trump Administration has not gone after antifa groups, leftist gun groups, or radical political movements even after attacks on government personnel and property. Instead, the FBI is arresting Trump supporters, such as those in the Rise Against Movement.

Still, it is a good thing Bernie Sanders did not win the Democrat nomination. He was the last candidate who could sell socialism to working-class whites. His non-white replacements are ethnic chieftains and media mascots, not leaders of a mass movement.

The DSA organizes freely. Socialist podcasts can raise money on Patreon while white advocates have a hard time keeping a credit card processor or a bank account. According to Jack London’sThe Iron Heel and Noam Chomsky’s theories about power, the corporate press should be supporting reactionaries. Instead, it gives self-avowed communists generally favorable media coverage as they post almost whatever they want on social media, raise money, sell merchandise, and host podcasts.

The hosts of Chapo Trap House, the socialist podcast that brings in over $172,000 a month on Patreon. (Credit Image: Nrbelex via Wikimedia)

There will be Bernie maniacs. There might be violence or some demonstrations at the DNC, assuming the coronavirus doesn’t cancel it. That won’t discredit the socialists, who are in a much stronger position than white advocates. We don’t have legal and financial protection, nor can we openly organize without a tremendous fight.

Conservatives shouldn’t be complacent. Just as demographic change eventually dooms conservatism, it also dooms capitalism. The difference between a President Sanders and a President Ocasio-Cortez is that she would think in terms of race rather than class. It would be South Africa style “socialism,” or redistribution of wealth on racial, not class grounds.

Some white leftists may become racially conscious when the new socialist movement casts them out. Others may claim to be non-white or queer, or use some other way to avoid being associated with whites and the historic American nation. The new socialist movement will be a tribal hodgepodge, unified by its contempt for traditional American history and culture. These new socialists will have plentiful resources. They will be dangerous foes.

However, there’s also an opportunity. There is still a political opening for nationalist policies that will help American workers, defend national sovereignty, and advance white interests. The coronavirus outbreak is more evidence that America needs sovereignty and independence, not more globalism and mass immigration. The Republican Party can still become the “workers party” President Trump promised during the 2016 campaign, even if he didn’t complete the transformation.

Whites, “left” or “right,” must unite to fight for our interests. This campaign has already shown white “Bernie Bros” what the DNC thinks of them. While some leftists will drift into bitterness or even violence, far more will join our ranks. The “libertarian to alt-right” pipeline is dry, but I think the “Bernie Bro to Dissident Right” pipeline is about to open up for business.