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One Year After ‘Sky King’

Almost everyone knows Brown v. Board of Education banned school segregation. Few know that the justices said segregation was wrong because it made blacks feel inferior.

Today, many people celebrate white inferiority.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that her grandson’s birthday wish was to have “brown skin and brown eyes.” She called this “so beautiful.” At a website that teaches parents about “raising race conscious children,” one mother brags that because of her lessons about “white privilege,” her six-year-old said through her tears, “I wish I were black.” The late David Yeagley recalled that one of his white students told him that it’s great he could be proud of his American Indian heritage, because she had no heritage. “My culture is nothing,” she said.

Rachel Dolezal famously claimed she was transracial. One Huffington Post writer sympathized in a column called “I Sometimes Don’t Want to Be White Either:”

There was a time in my 20s when everything I learned about the history of racism made me hate myself, my Whiteness, my ancestors . . . and my descendants. I remember deciding that I couldn’t have biological children because I didn’t want to propagate my privilege biologically.

“White people do have culture,” writes an author in Terra Incognita. “Our culture is that of colonization. Of genocide. Of taking. Of envy and of fear.”

James Baldwin wrote that there are no whites, just people who “think they are white.” When President Trump said Al Sharpton hates whites, many reporters put “whites” in scare quotes.

Even though we don’t exist, we can be identified. Blacks rejected Rachel Dolezal’s claim that she was “transracial.” According to “anti-racist educators” Robin DiAngelo, all whites are racist and have unearned privilege. Whites’ “DNA is an abomination” according to one college newspaper op-ed.

The media and academia constantly belittle whites, so it’s not surprising many whites are desperate to be something else. Elizabeth Warren’s comical effort to be an Indian is a small example. Whites who claim bizarre sexual or species identities, or highlight mental illness in their Twitter profiles, may also be trying to avoid being nothing more than white. They want some way out of the “oppressor” class.

It is widely acknowledged that media depictions affect the psychological health of blacks or Hispanics. What about whites? When the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why appeared to glamorize suicide, teen suicides rose around the country. If school segregation hurt the feelings of blacks, whites today are suffering just as dramatically.

The suicide rate for middle-aged whites is high. The drug-related mortality rate is higher for whites than for blacks or Hispanics. These “deaths of despair” through drugs, alcohol, or guns led Steve Sailer to write that whites are behaving like a “defeated and despairing race.” If resisting dispossession is immoral, and you are evil because you are white, why not kill yourself?

Almost one year ago, Robert Russell, a white airport baggage handler, stole an airplane. In a rambling conversation with air traffic control, he said he wasn’t going to hurt anyone. He admitted he was a broken guy. He said he wasn’t “really planning on landing,” and apologized to loved ones on the ground. He flew for nearly an hour, before crashing the plane, doing a barrel roll and other maneuvers that surprised observers. At one point, an air traffic controller told Russell that if he could land the plane, he could get any job. “Nah,” said Russell, “I’m a white guy.”

Robert Russell

Friends and family said they were baffled by his death, but many whites seemed to understand. They called him “Sky King.” Russell wasn’t a failure in life, but he felt he lacked something. He took to the sky for a moment of glory before he ended it all. His story is tragi-heroic.

It’s not surprising so many whites want a way out. In The Ethnostate, Wilmot Robertson argued that “demoralization” is a dire threat to populations. “If you are not permitted to utter or hear one good word about your own people,” he wrote, “then no matter how great your capabilities, you will be hard put to overcome the mental and physical paralysis imposed by demoralization.” Robertson said whites could resist “demoralization” by “blacking out the media.” Today, that’s almost impossible.

Whites need racial identity not just so they can make sensible public policy. We need it not just to save our country. We need it not just to keep alive the possibility of future greatness. We need it too for a simpler reason: to keep on living. Without a feeling of race, of connectedness, of purpose, whites are alienated from themselves and each other. We see the results all around us: brainwashed children, self-loathing adults, middle-aged opioid addicts, deracinated consumers who live for nothing but a corporate franchise.

Racial identity is a necessary part of individual and group identity. We whites aren’t some unique “construct” of nothing but hatred and oppression.

We exist. We have the right to exist. We don’t need to justify it. Our race built great nations, created wonders, and conquered space. We will do much more when we awaken.

White advocates help our people do that. We face oppression, hardship, and violence, but the alternative is collective suicide. Individually, many of our brothers and sisters are making that choice. We must show them the right way.

There is nothing more thrilling than life with purpose. What purpose could be greater than saving your people? Unlike Nancy Pelosi, I want my grandchildren to look up at me and say, “I’m proud of who I am.”