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A Post-American Fourth of July

John Adams predicted Independence Day (which he thought would be July 2) would be “the great anniversary festival” of “solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty.” “It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more,” he said.

For two centuries, it was. Yet I predict it will soon be celebrated as a day of sorrow. To most white Americans, it will be a time to lament what is lost. To most non-whites, it will be a day to mourn America’s existence — and spitefully celebrate its dispossession.

America’s first flag is already too controversial for one powerful corporation. Nike recently recalled shoes featuring the “Betsy Ross” revolutionary flag because Colin Kaepernick said it was a slave-era emblem. Yet his movement began by protesting the current American flag and anthem. Mr. Kaepernick also joined an “un-Thanksgiving” event held by American Indians in 2017 and said “our fight is the same fight.” His grievance is against America itself.

Orthodox socialists tell us corporations support nationalism and racism to “divide the working class,” but Nike sponsored Mr. Kaepernick in 2018 even though he wasn’t an active athlete. It was a political endorsement by “woke capital” in action. It proved profitable: Urban blacks — not whites — fight and riot for shoes.

The author of the Declaration of Independence is suffering damnatio memoriae along with Betsy Ross. On Monday, the Charlottesville, Virginia city council announced it will no longer celebrate Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. Instead, it will celebrate “Liberation and Freedom Day” — the day Yankee troops marched into Charlottesville — and slave emancipation. Tributes to Jefferson may soon be purged entirely. A University of Virginia Commission found in 2018 that slavery was “central” to the school’s mission and that blacks therefore needed more handouts. Vandals have struck Jefferson’s statue at UVA.

In St. Louis Park, a liberal suburb of Minnesota, the city council unanimously voted last week to stop saying the Pledge of Allegiance at its meetings. Council Member Tim Brausen reportedly said the pledge “intimidates some newer residents.” “We’ve had some racial equity initiatives going on in the city of St. Louis Park for awhile where we’re trying to get more diverse communities and historically less engaged communities to come and participate in our public process,” he said. Apparently, the pledge bothers them. Appropriately, St. Louis Park is represented in Congress by Ilhan Omar.

If I had said “diverse” Americans have so little loyalty to this country that they can’t even stomach civic rituals, I would be called racist.

July 4, 2018 – A Fife and Drum Corps band performs on Wall Street at a Fourth of July celebration. (Credit Image: © G. Ronald Lopez/ZUMA Wire)

President Donald Trump wants to hold a Fourth of July celebration with the “Pomp and Parade” John Adams urged, including “guns.” (President Trump wants tanks and a flyover.) Black columnist Eugene Robinson called his plan “obscene,” “awful,” and compared it to something North Koreans would do. Normally, he said, the Fourth of July in Washington D.C. shows “America in its glorious diversity, all kinds of people, and it’s not a political day.” The group CODEPINK will fly a balloon mocking “Baby Trump” because he is “spreading hate and racism across the U.S. and the world.” Leftists will burn an American flag.

These separate incidents represent a larger trend. Just 45 percent of those polled in a recent Gallup survey say they are “extremely proud” to be American, a historic low. Though 76 percent of Republicans feel “extremely proud,” just 22 percent of Democrats do. “The largest overall declines in patriotism are largely driven by Democrats,” says the report, which explains that Republicans’ “extreme pride” never dropped below 68 percent even during the Obama Administration. Younger Americans are less likely to be patriotic.

It’s not surprising. Generation Z is the most racially diverse generation in American history. It’s been educated to believe America was founded as a white nation. That’s true: The 1790 Naturalization Act proves it.

Why, then, should non-whites identify with the American past? What is George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or John Adams to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, or Rashida Tlaib? Why wouldn’t a young Mexican immigrant rally to the racial mysticism of Aztlán instead of the legacy of President James Polk?

Gallup data indicate whites are more likely to be patriotic, and the increasingly unpatriotic Democrats have “tipped” (to use Peter Brimelow’s phrase) to become the party of non-whites. The Democrat white minority also has a pro-outgroup bias, “the only group to show this preference for group [sic] other than their own,” according to Zach Goldberg in Tablet. The political divide is thus increasingly a racial divide. Republicans are the party of patriotic whites who identify with American heritage. Democrats are the party of non-whites (and a minority of white defectors) who despise our heritage.

How can these warring tribes celebrate a common holiday? Fake history is one way. Conservatives pretend America always welcomed non-whites; leftists turn the fiercely nationalist Alexander Hamilton into a rapping immigrant in the musical Hamilton. These are clumsy attempts to paper over a widening demographic divide that is unbridgeable. Unless there is immigration control and remigration, the Left will swamp the Right, and America will cease to exist in any meaningful sense.

America’s Founders understood America was a white nation. Many non-whites today understand America was, too. They want a different America. With increasing numbers, they no longer need to respect the flag, the anthem, the pledge, or Independence Day. The nation is the people, and as the people go, so goes the nation.

President Trump may try to give the us a new holiday tradition to match Bastille Day, but military hardware means nothing without racial consciousness and political will. America’s border is undefended. The sad reality is that this Independence Day, whites should realize our country is being colonized all over again.