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‘Justice Democrat’ Saira Rao Hates Whites

Saira Rao is no fringe activist. She is a former Wall Street lawyer and clerk for the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. She wrote the novel Chambermaid, a controversial, thinly veiled account of her clerking experience. She founded “In This Together Media,” which publishes “diverse” authors. She started it because she became “obsessed” with the alleged lack of “authentic, interesting, nuanced girl characters and characters of color” in media, especially for children.

Miss Rao, whose ancestors are from India, ran for Congress in 2018 with the endorsement of the “Justice Democrats” political action committee. This powerful group also supported progressive representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, among others.

Many publications rooted for her.

In the last interview, in a publication for homosexuals, she talked about “truth and reconciliation.” She was referring to the commissions set up in South Africa after the collapse of white rule. They were supposed to be a giant, catharctic purging of the sins of racism and apartheid. No doubt Saira Rao thinks we need something similar in the United States. Miss Rao won more than 30 percent of the vote in her primary, losing to a white woman, Diana DeGettte.

A short time later, Saira Rao replied to a New York Times editorial by black professor George Yancy called “Should I give up on white people?” “Short and long answer: YES” she tweeted. She later said that “it’s incumbent on white people and not people of color to solve [racism].” She said both the Republican and Democrat parties were “mired in white supremacy.”

Colorado Democrat and House of Representatives member Joe Salazar, who tweets as “COChicanoJoe,” agreed with her. “Being ‘united’ means pulling yourself out of your comfort zone and understanding why Black and Brown people are fed up with false allies,” he tweeted. The Root’s Michael Harriot also endorsed her comments, calling her his “spirit politician.” Colorado Public Radio ran a sympathetic story on Saira Rao, in which she claimed she and her children were temporarily leaving Colorado because the backlash to her “give up on white people” comments was so fierce the state was “no longer safe” for her.

Miss Rao has many targets, all of them white. “White feminism is white supremacy,” she tweeted last month. After her congressional run, she started an organization called Race To Dinner to urge white women to invite her and a black friend to dinner so they can be told “you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy.” So far, no indication of how many white women have taken her up.

Recently, Saira Rao expressed herself more directly.

This woman is not marginal. She has the backing of powerful political figures and organizations, and a verified “blue checkmark” from Twitter, an implicit endorsement. Undoubtedly, Saira Rao speaks for many others.