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Unite the Sane: What Charlottesville Means for White America

In the immediate aftermath of leftist-instigated violence in Charlottesville, politicians, cable new pundits, and celebrities dutifully lined up to take their turn at the microphone and perform their auto-da-fé. The script varies little: “I condemn bigotry and hatred.” “There is no place for Neo-Nazis and white supremacists.” “This is not what America is about.” Even President Trump gave us, “Racism is evil.” They give their performances and then sit down, having accomplished nothing except allowing themselves to live another day in the cutthroat world of competitive virtue signaling.

Compare that to the response after a Muslim intentionally murders innocent people going about their daily routine. “We have to understand the conditions that lead these young men to do this.” “They lack job opportunities.” “This has nothing to do with Islam.” “Our military interventions are to blame.”

Similarly, after false reports that a police officer has shot the proverbial “unarmed black man” and violent riots ensue, we are told that socio-economic or educational inequities are the reason. Most everyone sees through this, but the show must go on.

A consistent theme becomes obvious–when non-whites commit crimes and even murder, the moral, enlightened thing to do is find out what bad thing white people did that caused their behavior. But when white people take to the streets as white people, unmitigated revulsion must be exhibited for all to see.

This dynamic is a just a small feature of a larger problem — a problem that never gets discussed in the absurd environment of white people climbing over each other to denounce “racism.” And while liberals are wagging their fingers with moral righteousness, establishment conservatives retreat to talking about tax cuts or telling us that the KKK was founded by Democrats — as if that is going to change anyone’s mind on either side.

All of this punditry entirely misses the point. The problem is that for the past 50 years or so, American society has been transformed into an unstable and untenable hothouse of racial and cultural factions. And it didn’t need to happen; it was manufactured. The white liberals who played Dr. Frankenstein to create this monster call it “multiculturalism” and pretend it is normal and organic and the wave of the future.

But what keeps bubbling to the surface and ruining this fantasy is human nature. All people desire to live in communities and countries that reflect their identities, cultures, and histories. That feeling — not particular political or economic systems — is foundational. And so, like trying to keep two opposing magnets in close contact, non-stop effort has to be made in multiracial societies to keep natural forces of repulsion from winning out.

But the grand diversity experiment in America is not just about seeing whether different racial and cultural groups can successfully coexist in the same country (history suggests they can’t); it is about denigrating white people and denying them a positive racial identity. The scope of this undertaking is striking–academia, media, entertainment, and politics are all saturated with various forms of white guilt and white shaming.

The resentments engendered by this psychological abuse are made worse when they’re dismissed as paranoia, or when dissenters are diagnosed as being “scared of people who don’t look like them” or “filled with hate.”

No people will tolerate this for long, and what we are seeing now is the inevitable blowback to decades of a one-sided culture war on white people.

What motivated young white men to take to the streets in Charlottesville was not the Civil War or a long-defunct German political party. They are not fighting over the past. They are rebelling against the present with an eye toward the future. They are a generation uninterested in the political sanctimony of their Boomer grandparents. They have given up arguing their case to people who don’t think they have a right to speak. They’re saying, “The hell with it. Call me whatever names you want, I’m fighting for my side.”

The mainstream looks at them and sees the fringe extremists of the past, but this is different. TV images may show a rag-tag band of young men who use intentionally over-the-top language and symbols, but they are not on an ideological island. They are just a little further out on a continuum of opinion that connects them with a big swath of nominally conservative white Americans who are quietly angry about the way their country has been changed under their noses.

Alt-Right members march with through the University of Virginia campus. (Credit Image: © Zach D Roberts/NurPhoto via ZUMA Press)

You white Americans who consider yourselves conservative should dispense with the self-serving, melodramatic condemnations of the “alt-right.” Those efforts may gain you temporary relief from being fired or being accused of “hatred” or being screamed at by maniacal college students. But the reprieve will be very temporary. Someday you too will be told you are a Neo-Nazi and therefore you are evil and therefore you have no rights and therefore “counter protestors” are justified in assaulting you. First they came for the Alt-Right . . .