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Blacks Fear the Police?

We hear over and over that blacks are terrified of the police. The media trumpet this “fact” whenever an officer shoots a black criminal. Politico and New York Magazine, not to mention leftist sites like AlterNet, worry about this all the time. Black pundits, such as Ta-Nehesi Coates, seem to have an almost pathological preoccupation with the terror the police inspire. Like so many ideas pushed by the media, college professors, and government bureaucrats, this one bears no resemblance to the real world.

When I was growing up in the Midwest, there was an annual reminder of black crime: St. Patrick’s Day. Every year, in major northern cities with large populations of blacks and Irishmen you would see the same headlines:

4th suspect arrested in Baltimore St. Patrick’s Day beating — 2012

Cleveland’s St. Patrick’s Day assaults in black and white — 2015

Police Respond to Commotion on Nicollet Mall — 2015, Minneapolis

$5K Reward Offered For St. Patrick’s Day Parade Attack Info — 2016, Minneapolis

I single out St. Patrick’s Day because the cops are out in force. The holiday is not only an occasion for large parades in big cities — reason enough to beef up police presence — but everyone is getting drunk. Bars open early and plenty of people drink all day. Police departments know this, and increase the number of officers.

If you have a phobia of police, St. Patrick’s Day is a day to stay in bed. But blacks don’t. Every year, in one city or another, they go out and attack white people in public on the very day they are most likely to get caught.

Here’s a video of some blacks running wild on St. Patrick’s Day in Minneapolis in 2015. Do they look terrified?

Be sure to go to the 2:36 mark. You can see a black teenager waving two middle fingers at a white cop. When you’re scared of someone, do you insult him? If you were afraid someone might kill you for no reason and get away with it, would you give him the middle finger?

If you were in a black neighborhood and started to sense that the blacks didn’t want you there, out of fear for your very survival, would you raise your middle finger at one or two of them?

Maybe St. Patrick’s Day is a special holiday that frees blacks from their usual fear of being murdered or beaten up by cops. Or do blacks behave this way because they are drunk? I don’t think so.

I have seen blacks treat police officers with flagrant hostility. If you haven’t, look at these videos.

Here’s a black man repeatedly swearing at officers. He throws his phone at them. He doesn’t stop even when they repeatedly warn him they will use a taser on him.

How about this black teenager in a hijab? She screams at cops in full riot gear about how awful they are.

Do these people seem terrified to you?

The internet has plenty of similar videos.

It is striking how often cops are explicit with the blacks who confront them. In the video below, the officer warns the suspect that he is going to be tased. He draws his taser and points it at the suspect. He asks the man not to make this harder than it has to be. At one point he even asks him to “please” do what he is told. Yet the black suspect refuses to cooperate.

In this video, the black guy filming his black buddy’s arrest repeatedly screams “Black lives matter” and calls the arresting officer a “bitch.” At one point he threatens to break the officer’s nose.

Who could possibly think it’s a good idea to fight a policeman? If you are guilty and scared, I can understand running away. Maybe you’re fast, maybe you know a place to hide. But once you’re caught, why fight? Not only are cops trained to fight, they are armed. If they don’t shoot you they will call for back-up, and no one can win a fight against an entire police department. Yet many blacks try to wrestle or punch their way out of an arrest.

Again, do these people look scared?

Consider this analogy. Personally, I’m wary of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers, the cops at security points in airports. They don’t terrify me or give me nightmares, but they unnerve me. When I am around them I am keenly aware that they can cause trouble.

What if I forgot to take my Swiss Army knife out of my bag and they get angry? What if I’ve made it onto the “no fly” list because I work for American Renaissance? What if one of these guys is having a bad day and wants to take it out on me? I know they can pull me aside for questioning, strip search me, and detain me for long enough to miss a flight.

I would therefore never call a TSA officer a “bitch.” I would never antagonize one. If I were detained, I would not try to fight my way out. TSA agents have all the power and I have none, so I behave accordingly.

A black might argue that the fear blacks have of the police is 1,000 times greater than my fear of TSA agents, and that my analogy is pure white privilege. It is true that I am not afraid an unprovoked TSA agent will pull out a gun and shoot me, the way blacks reportedly fear police will. But let’s say I were afraid that a TSA agent might whip out a Glock and pop me. In that case, I would be even more polite and obedient, not less. I would also avoid the TSA at all costs. I certainly would not attract their attention by picking fights at airports.

Yet blacks do all these things. They scream at the police, swear at police, brawl in plain sight of police, and even fight the police. Do blacks really behave as if, as pundits say, it is “open season on black boys” and that it is “legal in the US to chase and then shoot dead an unarmed young black man.” No.

The next time someone on Facebook parrots a liberal pundit about how much blacks fear the police, drop one of these videos into the comments thread. If that doesn’t convince him, invite him to the next St. Patrick’s Day parade in Minneapolis.