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How to Ensure More Crime

In 2016, black teenager Edward O’Neal, IV killed his friend Ryan Roberts, a white high school freshman.

Edward O’Neal

Ryan Roberts

According to Mr. O’Neal’s parents, their son is a devil-worshiper who had killed two family pets. For four years, Mr. O’Neal sat in prison without going to trial because “a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder” and “a history of mental health issues” required a special criminal court that, apparently, can’t be speedily set up. In June, Mr. O’Neal paid his bond — after Judge Mark Kent Ellis halved it from $50,000 to $25,000 — and went free.

On November 28, about five months after his release, Mr. O’Neal shot and killed a cousin’s ex-boyfriend, Derrick Mike (race still unreported).

Illegal aliens also commit crimes again after “catch and release.” Last month, Fernando Lopez-Garcia went into a Baptist church in San Jose, California and stabbed five people, killing two of them. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) noted that since 2019, California police had arrested him three times and had ignored requests to transfer him to ICE every time:

  • In July, 2019, Stockton police arrested Mr. Lopez-Garcia for inflicting corporal injury on a spouse or cohabitant, kidnapping, and threatening crime with intent to terrorize.
  • In August, 2019, San Joaquin police arrested him for “local charges.”
  • In June, 2020, he was convicted of inflicting corporal injury on a spouse and sentenced to 327 days in San Joaquin. The judge ignored ICE’s request that it be notified when Mr. Lopez-Garcia was released.

Fernando De Jesus Lopez-Garcia

Sometimes it’s as if local police like being overworked. ICE recently arrested two Salvadorans illegals in Maryland. Prince George County released David Retana-Castellon twice without notifying ICE. The county released the other, Jose Luis Sorto Gomez, five times without notifying ICE. The charges against them include resisting arrest, assault of a government official, larceny, illegal reentry, sex offense in the third degree, and failing to register as a sex offender.

Victims would have been spared, and the police could have spent time on other cases if the local authorities had turned over those two men for deportation the first chance they had.