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It’s Official: All Trump Voters Are ‘Racist’

That tweet received almost 300,000 likes. And Jemele Hill is not marginal. She has a verified Twitter account with over 1.3 million followers. She writes for The Atlantic. Spotify hosts her podcast. She has squirmed about Nick Cannon’s anti-Semitic remarks, and her most recent column was an apologetic account of of black anti-Semitism and what to do about it. But a backlash from whites and Republicans about calling all Donald Trump voters racist? No chance.

Her accusation is no small thing. In America, there is almost nothing worse than being called “racist.” It’s worse than being called a criminal, a thief, or an adulterer. It’s even an implied threat. The mere accusation of racism can cost careers, friends, or family. Calling someone “racist” also puts a person in physical danger from left-wing extremists that law enforcement too often tolerates. America is tearing itself apart because people fear this word.

Mrs. Hill doesn’t care.

We should thank Mrs. Hill. Many people who think they aren’t “racist” will vote for President Trump in November. This includes some blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, and others who certainly don’t think they’re racist. At least some whites who voted for President Obama in 2012 will vote for President Trump. Anyone who voted for America’s first black president don’t think he’s racist. Civic nationalists who want border security, law and order, and America First trade and defense policies don’t think they are racist.

Unbeknownst to them, they are. The meaning of “racism” is entirely subjective. It is just a slur against political enemies, a “fancy curse word” in Sam Francis’s phrase. It always was. James Burnham said most political rhetoric has a formal meaning and a real meaning. Racism’s “formal” meaning keeps changing. In my relatively short lifetime, “racism” has gone from “treating people differently because of their race” to “not treating people differently because of their race.” The real meaning is simply “a person liberal journalists don’t like,” or, to use Peter Brimelow’s definition, “someone winning an argument with a liberal.” Increasingly, “racist” just means “any white person.”

Those with media power use “racist” to identify enemies. Today, media power is the most important form of power, arguably the source of sovereignty. Mrs. Hill smeared some 60 million fellow citizens. They may complain about being called “racist,” but that will do them no good. There is only one way out of this rhetorical trap: to march straight through it.

Non-whites — and someday, even conservatives — will have to accept that whites must have a racial consciousness. BIPOCs, as we are now supposed to call them, take this for granted when it comes to their own groups. White conservatives will eventually have to realize that the Left will always consider them racist, even if they beg and apologize. The President’s a racist, his voters are racist, even white “anti-racists” are still racist.

The word has power only because we give it power. We need to take that power away. So laugh at the word. If someone like Mrs. Hill calls you a racist, shrug and ask, “Today, who isn’t?”