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Minneapolis Riots: Sights and Sounds

Last night, “protesters” rioted and looted in Minneapolis. Here is a good account of what happened. Below are some of the sights and sounds:

A police building was vandalized:

A Target store was looted:

Here is the inside of the store:

A liquor store got similar treatment:

… as did a Dollar Tree, Cub, and Aldi:

Here, smoke billows from the Cub store. The graffiti stands for “All Cops Are Bastards.”

Wendy’s was not spared:

A 13-year-old hit a roadblock:

Some armed white men were demonstrating for “Justice for Floyd.” They took a break to protect a tobacco shop from looting:

This is reportedly affordable housing under construction in “the community.” Watch as it collapses in flames.

A disabled white woman tried to stop looters from entering a store:

Here is the woman after the attacks:

Apparently, one pawn shop owner defended his business. Rioters accused police of shooting the looter.

Here, the sounds of a revving chainsaw while someone who sounds white pleads, “That’s a library! People read books there!”

Rioters burned an AutoZone:

This clip has made the rounds, but it may not be genuine:

Rioters attacked police cars after breaking into a police compound.

Demonstrators gathered at the home of Derek Chauvin, the police officer at the center of the controversy. Someone splashed red paint on his driveway and scrawled “MURDERER” in chalk. Here, police defend the home. “Look how fucking many are defending a murderer’s house!”

There were also protests in Los Angeles. “Make America Native Again,” this woman exclaims, while demonstrators burn an American flag.

Also in LA, a mob blocked the freeway. A police car went through it: