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Compare and Contrast: White Victimization and Anti-White Animus

Whenever there is a racially-charged controversy, Twitter fills with liberal myths, black fantasies, and anti-white animus. Here are four examples from this week that were especially popular on the Left. I have paired each one with facts the tweets’ authors probably didn’t know.

The claim:


Cadesha Bishop

Last year, Cadesha Bishop, a black woman, age 25, pushed a white man, age 74, off a bus in Las Vegas. He died.

Americans interested in violence between white women and black men might be also be interested in the data available on interracial rape.

The claim:


Some blacks rape or murder whites murder specifically because they are white. The black terrorist who murdered five police officers in Dallas in 2016, for instance, wanted to kill whites.

In 2013, a black football player at Vanderbilt University raped a white coed and then peed on her face, telling her it was “for 400 years of slavery.”

Readers who think these cases are exceptions should see this list of black on white crimes, particularly the cases of Obie Weathers, Kevin Shifflett, and Ronald Taylor.

The claim:


Whites may be skeptical of “black lives matter” because blacks attack whites at a much higher rate than vice versa.

These are official statistics from the US Bureau of Justice Statistics. In 2015, police killed an estimated 1,134 civilians. The same year, there were an estimated 15,696 murders.

The claim:


Where blacks have power over whites, whites usually suffer. This is true in Zimbabwe, where whites were forced off their farms without compensation. It is true in American cities such as Baltimore, where black-run government makes life harder for everyone. It is true for unsuspecting whites who wander into black neighborhoods. It is true for whites (teachers and students alike) in black schools. It is true for white prisoners who are raped by blacks, and even bought and sold as sex slaves.

Whites do not have “privilege.” I work for American Renaissance because I know this, and I want all Americans to know this. To survive the coming century, we will have to stick together.