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An Interview with Hubert Collins

AR Staff: A lot of your work has a sense of pessimism. (You advised reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, for example.) Are you pessimistic about our situation?

Hubert Collins: I don’t feel qualified to say whether or not our situation is objectively improving or worsening, but the bad news sometimes overwhelms me. It’s in response to that, more than anything else, that I recommend the Meditations.

AR: What is your sense of the Trump Administration? Obviously, he’s disappointed many people, but do you still think it was a good thing that he was elected and that we are better with him in office?

HC: Robert Hampton wrote a great essay for Counter-Currents called “The Case for Trump in 2020.” He spelled out the situation perfectly. For all his faults, the alternatives to a Trump second term are horrifying. I can’t not vote for the guy — I suspect (and hope) a lot of us feel the same way.

(Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

AR: How did you first develop a racial consciousness? Did it develop gradually? You’ve written about having no problem getting along with blacks.

HC: You are referring to my AmRen post, “Blacks I Have Known and Liked.” I hope I did not overstate the case. My sense of race came to me at a young age, from growing up in a very racially diverse environment. Developing a sense of race was easy, the hard part was getting over the embarrassment and shame of having one.

AR: What do you predict for the United States? Do you think it will stumble along, break apart, or get better?

HC: If history is any guide, it will continue to stumble along. That’s what America has always done. But you never know. I try not to focus too much on what I (or anybody else) think will happen, but do my best to work toward what I hope will happen.

AR: Does your view on European politics differ from your view on American politics?

HC: I know a lot about American politics, and very little about Europe. I guess I’m a typical American in that sense. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve ever written at any length on European politics, but I do look to Poland and Hungary for inspiration and hope.

AR: Do you consider yourself an American nationalist? If so, is there a contradiction between that and being a white advocate?

HC: I consider myself a white advocate first and an American nationalist second. I hope to improve the situation of whites everywhere and Americans generally — but the former always comes first. Unfortunately, as demography marches on, it is likely that the two will become more and more at odds.

AR: Will ordinary white conservatives ever “get it?”

HC: I am confident both conservatives and liberals are “getting it” in increasing numbers. The realities of diversity and conflict are stark, and starker by the day. Just think of how few people were even remotely on our side in 2014, and then how many began to see the light in 2015/2016 because of the “migrant crisis” in Europe. As the old saying goes, “What cannot go on forever, won’t.” Or better still, as Jared Taylor once put it, “Whites are patient and long-suffering to a fault, but there are limits to what even they will tolerate. They will not forever let their government conduct foolish experiments that can only fail. When the white man decides to act, he is a marvelous thing to behold, and nothing can stand in his way.”

AR: Who are the main writers that have inspired/informed you and that you would recommend to others?

HC: If we set aside Jared Taylor, then, in no particular order:

AR: What do you hope to accomplish before you die?

HC: The (white) Cuban revolutionary José Martí supposedly said, “Every man should plant a tree, have a child, and write a book. These all live on after us, ensuring a measure of immortality.” I’ve planted a few trees and am working on a book. That leaves having a child — which, admittedly, is the most important of the three.

AR: What is the one thing every single person reading this can do to improve our situation?

HC: Improve yourself. You have more control over that than anything else, and it is incredibly rewarding. If you’re fat, get skinny; if you’re skinny, get fit. If you like to get high, pick a better hobby. If you’re playing video games all the time, pick up a book.